"Frog Moss" in screen cage


Avid Member
has any one ever bought frog moss or pillow moss and put in there chameleon cage because????? i want to get some and put it on top of repti bark and can u put it strait on repti bark???? or do you have to put dirt on the bottom of it????
I have tried it in my pygmy cages and they stay green for a few weeks and then die every time. That's a nice humid environment that gets misted daily so I thought they'd be happy but they certainly were not. Don't waste your money.

While we're at it you should not have reptibark in your chameleon cages, or dirt. Chams don't need any substrate and all it's going to do is harbor bacteria and mold, hide feeders, and be a risk for impaction if your chameleon accidentally gets some it while it's trying to shoot a cricket. Pretty much everyone on the forum has nothing on the bottom of the cages because people have posted stories of their chams dying and on necropsy they were full of sand or dirt or had a blockage due to a piece of substrate. Do yourself a favor and just take it all out and then you don't have to worry about cleaning it!
i herd the substrate thing a million times but 1: i cup feed, 2: im only going to put a little repti bark on the bottom, 3: its way easier to clean just take out one piece that has poop on it, 4: i dont see how a chameleon will get a respitory infection with a screen cage and with big chunks of bark
i herd the substrate thing a million times but 1: i cup feed, 2: im only going to put a little repti bark on the bottom, 3: its way easier to clean just take out one piece that has poop on it, 4: i dont see how a chameleon will get a respitory infection with a screen cage and with big chunks of bark

How about using paper towels to clean it and not play around with your chameleon's health? Its 1)cheaper 2)cleaner 3)more effective 4)no bacterial buildup in the bark or in the moss.

Question is, why would you put it in if the only good thing that comes out of it is being aesthetically pleasing for you, but not good for the animal living in there?
i dont see why a chameleon is gunna die of a little bark in the cage i know some one who raised a newborn veiled in a cage with bark and his male is a year old in a small cage with bark, driftwood, and vines
Because if they eat a bug on the ground and the bark goes in the stomach they will become constipated and DIE. It's best not to take the risk if you care about your chameleon's well being. Just because it LOOKS COOL doesn't mean it's good.
That doesn't mean they can't escape. The bark is just a horrible idea all around, it has no positives. It's easier to clean out paper towels, the bark will grow bacteria and need to be entirely cleaned out often.
Ok....so because someone else is mistreating their chameleon you can too?

Substrate only causes issues, your only reasons for wanting it is simply because you like it. Why even take the chance? Experienced chameleon owners wouldn't be telling you not to do it unless there is a reason for it.

Paper towels are far easier to clean up and replacing them is cheaper than buying the bark every time you clean the cage.
Substrate can be used as long as it is bigger than the chameleon head and is changed often! In my cage I have this cheap green play carpet for children that's like $.48 a foot it gives the cage a more realistic look and it's easy to change. I bought it at lowes! U can use moss to raise humidy I have mine in a wire cage so the chameleon can't get it! But I know my frog eats it alot and I'm constantly removing piece from his mouth. So I think he as getting carpet too!
chameleoman dont get upset about this. When you ask about something you should always prepare yourself for feedback that you may not like. Tha majority of cham owners here have not had a good experience with any type of substrate.

You have to admit even though you cup feed as I do too one will escape and if your little guy goes to snap it up and grabs a piece of bark or moss and can't pass it this will start a blockage. Yes your friend has been succesfull but there are many friends on this forum that had a negative impact (death). I have seen my cham on the floor roaming around many times and I have also seen my guy try to eat the dirt from the live plants. I have since then put screen around the dirt so that he can't get to that now. If you want to put something in the bottom find a couple pieces of tile or something like that. Remember though the bacteria will grow when water is allowed to sit so you are going to need to be very clean about it.

In the long run this will save you money in two ways. You will not have to buy the bark and if your cham does get a piece in its system then you will have to take it to the vet for a surgery if you catch it right away. Most importantly you save your chams life.
it doesnt even have to be from shooting a feeder. many young chameleons taste things around the cage. if he is curious in the bark, he will try it. then you have problems.
i had moss on the bottom of my chameleon's enclosure for about a month. i cup fed her so i thought it would be okay, as she wouldn't be shooting her tongue at nothing. one day i saw her munching on the moss, just out of the blue. she didn't poop for almost a week.
im not putting moss im just talking about the repti bark and ive never had a cricket jump out and ive been cup feeding for about 10-11 months now if it hasnt happened that long im pretty sure it wont happen
i know, kid, the point is, they like to be able to eat whenever they are hungry. there is a large chance your chameleon will get hungry and shoot at anything bite sized
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