Frogs & chameleons???

mixing reptiles is a bad idea and with amphibians sounds like a recipe for diaster. Also chams are very territorial I wouldn't do it. Though I have a buddy of mine with a green tree boa and some dart frogs in a living terrarium and they seem to do fine but this terrarium is about the size of a walk in closet.
mixing reptiles is a bad idea and with amphibians sounds like a recipe for diaster. Also chams are very territorial I wouldn't do it. Though I have a buddy of mine with a green tree boa and some dart frogs in a living terrarium and they seem to do fine but this terrarium is about the size of a walk in closet.
I know a dude that has the same kind of setup to.
Lots of chams eat frogs in the wild so i dont think the frogs would last long. You could maybe try pygmys and reed frogs that might work.
Frogs turtles and chameleon

I have 5 Yellow belly turtles, a Panther Chameleon and 2 Whites tree frogs in the same tank. The turtles and the chameleon have been getting on fine for the past year. I've only added the frogs a couple of days ago. The frogs are nocturnal so stay out of the way of the chameleon. However I wouldn't recommend adding frogs as I had a near miss already today. I turned on the wrong light and the frogs came out and the chameleon was awake. I just happened to notice the chameleon aiming for one of the frogs so I fed him a locust and turned on the daylight bulb.
I have 5 Yellow belly turtles, a Panther Chameleon and 2 Whites tree frogs in the same tank. The turtles and the chameleon have been getting on fine for the past year. I've only added the frogs a couple of days ago. The frogs are nocturnal so stay out of the way of the chameleon. However I wouldn't recommend adding frogs as I had a near miss already today. I turned on the wrong light and the frogs came out and the chameleon was awake. I just happened to notice the chameleon aiming for one of the frogs so I fed him a locust and turned on the daylight bulb.

Yeah just make them ALL happy and seperate them!
Where do you find turtles and panther chameleons together?
Panther, turtle and frog together sounds pretty risky if you ask me. Ill take bets on the panther taking out the frog before the turtles.
I know its not a frog, but before I got my first cham I had gotten my enclosure for him all set up and decided I would test it out on my anole for a couple days. The anole loved it and it was next to impossible to remove it from the cage. I figured Id just get it out later anyways the cham came and when it saw the anole it would not move and was super stressed I took action and got the anole out of there. THe cham was so stressed I wouldn't suggest any cage mates ever.
I had a nocturnal tree frog that lived with a male veiled for about 2 years, he would hide in the plants and come out at night to eat crickets. Finally I let it go outside. I wouldnt prefer this but it can be done1
I'd be worried the turtles would nip at the cham. :eek:

The biggest turtle did attack him once but the cham stood his ground and they leave each other alone now. They have been co-habiting for about a year now. The first couple of months was when i was most worried because the cham was only small I was afraid he might drown in the water but he's big enough now. I think I have been very lucky with the outcome but I think the trick is to keep everyone well fed.


I knew I'd get some stick over this coz it goes against every rule : glass tank, water, tank mates etc. etc. But hey it works.
You have failed in the plant department. Actually that set up is just about all wrong for a panther.
I know it took me a while to come up with a way of adding live plants without the turtles wrecking them. I finally used some small tubs that I get my waxworms in and jammed them in the vines. They didn't work the first time but I've realised the tubs have to be watered everyday or they dry up. The plants seem to be growing now but I've got another problem now. The feeder locusts eat the soft leaves pretty quick if my cham isn't hungry. :eek:

Do you know if all ivy is safe or just some types? I found an ideal one in the garden centre but it just says assorted ivy on the label. I'm looking for a creeper to grow around the vines. Any help would be really appreciated. :)
I knew I'd get some stick over this coz it goes against every rule : glass tank, water, tank mates etc. etc. But hey it works.

The bad part is, you know its wrong:confused: Do you realize what a fire hazard you have created? The lights INSIDE a tank with water! One mishap and your animals are gone. All the humidity will quickly cause connections to corrode and eventually cause some type of short. Not to mention your cham can probably reach those lights.

Besides all of which is wrong with your set up. What if the cham hangs its tail in the water or a frog scares it at night and it falls in. Those turtles will quickly have it killed. I cannot believe it has not happened yet!

I think the only thing right with the set up is the UVB lights. Im not trying to be a prick but you should hurry up and build him a cage or buy one. In the mean time create a small free range for him.
I bet he's super stressed from those turtles. I feel bad for the poor guy, probably no long healthy life for him :(
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