From Aviary to Parsonii cage


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So I turned a large Aviary into a cage for parsonii. It turned out amazing and has alot of room for them to move around. Looking for any comments, opinions, questions, or ways you think i could make it better. Cage is 6 feet long 4 feet wide and is 6.5 feet tall and is sitting on a bed frame that makes it over 7.5 feet tall.


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well i have the feeder cups as seen in the pics and if any get out i have drip containers all underneath that catch them if they try to get out but there are other options for fixing that as well.
uhhh... that's your living room right? If yes you might be on your way to the equivalent of a crazy cat lady.

Also, how do you find anything in it?
Thats my dinning room and yes i am a crazy chameleon guy. And did you mean like how do i ind my chameleons in it?
so i see you bought the aviary i suggested. looks awesome man, your chameleon is truly spoiled!
A. That is a beautiful aviary cage,
B. That is even more beautiful with parsons and plants
C. That's what I call a perfect dining room! Best use of space!
Looks great and nice to sit and watch them I bet, like the feeder cups and you info the other day, will try and make some, thanks.
A. That is a beautiful aviary cage,
B. That is even more beautiful with parsons and plants
C. That's what I call a perfect dining room! Best use of space!
Looks great and nice to sit and watch them I bet, like the feeder cups and you info the other day, will try and make some, thanks.
Thank you And ya I watch them all the time. the feeder cups work great i hope you can make they for yourself.
Yes- will definitely try- my method doesn't work at the moment.
Thanks for your help and advice
Great aviary! that's what I want to see more of in houses! Thanks for sharing.
Yes- will definitely try- my method doesn't work at the moment.
Thanks for your help and advice
Great aviary! that's what I want to see more of in houses! Thanks for sharing.
Well ill be moving to Arizona in 3 months and will be getting a house so i will be building 2-3 more of those for my other parsons to grow up on then breed them. I shouldn't have any issues with breeding them in those cages.
Me too- we discourage most visitors :LOL::D so I put our 'reception room' to better use and replaced the sofas and coffee tables with a rainbow boa, corn snake, veiled, stick insects, african land snails and a false chameleon and I'm all the better for it !!!(y)
Me too- we discourage most visitors :LOL::D so I put our 'reception room' to better use and replaced the sofas and coffee tables with a rainbow boa, corn snake, veiled, stick insects, african land snails and a false chameleon and I'm all the better for it !!!(y)
Well i only have chameleons but i have 6 parsons so they take up alot of room.
Do you have much problem with condensation and drainback on the insides of those PVC fogger pipes?
Yes I do and honestly i love it because it makes it like 4 drippers down the length of the cage so there is always water dripping where ever they are in the cage so they can drink 100% of the time they are awake. And as for the drainback my fogger just turns in back into fog. My fogger is pretty awesome i have never had issues with it and i run it for 12 hours a day with no breaks.
This looks amazing! Is the plastic secured so they can't go visit each other? :p Also what's your humidity at? Does it stay constant the whol day or does it jump up and down?
its tied on and they don't go to the very bottom and they see to understand the plastic isn't steady which is one thing i was worried about. And humidity stays between 85%-90% humidity all day long with no issues but that is because i keep my fogger on all day long to keep the humidity where I want it.
its tied on and they don't go to the very bottom and they see to understand the plastic isn't steady which is one thing i was worried about. And humidity stays between 85%-90% humidity all day long with no issues but that is because i keep my fogger on all day long to keep the humidity where I want it.
Hmm so 85-90% all day works well for you?
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