fruit flies/winter


New Member
i live in Virginia and im wondering a few things. the fruit flies you can find on left out food and empty soda cans and anything else you can think of, are they
ok to start cultures with as baby feeders? If they are, is it even possible to get them during winter? because ive tried leaving a slice of banana in an open jar and it hasnt attracted anything! Ironically when they were simply a nuisance they could always be found near my empty beer cans, but that was also while it was warmer outside. so i can only assume its because it winter.

I know you can order fruit fly cultures but im trying to bypass that if the ones you can attract would suffice.
the ones you get from left out food can fly. I've never tried to culture those but if you did, you would have flying fruit flies everywhere. the ones you buy online are "flightless". they can only just jump. I recommend you get those so that you are not swarmed by flying fruit flies.

also, where in VA are you?
southern, Fredericksburg/Lake anna area

yea i suppose flightless would be the more desireable option. lol

I wonder if i were to quickly put a top on the jar when they are on the piece of fruit or vegetable and then put the jar in the enclosure and quickly open the top of the jar and close the cage?

thats also if i can even attract them during the cold weather.
For about $7 - $15 you can have the flightless cultures shipped to your door. You can get producing and begin feeding them off right away. The producing cultures can produce thousands of flies per culture.
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