fruit flies?

Release them in your enclosure with a piece of fruit like strawberry so they will want too stay, and the chams will do the rest. When you order them online look for the flightless variety that way you won't have to worry about escapes.
We also have dart frogs, which are flightless fruit fly eaters. You can get a starter fruit fly breeding kit from Josh's. pretty easy to do and you have a permanent supply. As far a the ones that fly around, spray the cage down and when they get wet they have a hard time flying. Our baby Jacksons seem to like the flying type, and they have no trouble catching them.
Baby chameleons, and pygmy chameleons are normally all that will eat fruit flies. But I guess if they get hungry enough the larger one might eat one, but I guess mine have never been that hungry.
i have fruit flies to feed my chams but they fly :p how do i feed them to my pygmys?
My breeder taught me to take a small plastic take-out container. Poke holes all over top and around sides.
Cut an orange in half & put inside. In a couple of days, you'll have a fruit fly vending machine. Best part is, you'll never have to pay for them!
Just change the orange every couple weeks. :)
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