Fruits or veggies to feed my veiled cham?


New Member
Hi! I'm kinda new here :p.
I live in New Jersey, and right now we're having some crazy blizzard with over a foot of snow. My first and only chameleon, Chammy (I'm very creative :p), finished the last of her crickets yesterday and I can't go out to buy her anymore for probably the rest of the weekend. She's looking kinda skinny and hasn't had anything all day, so I was wondering if there might be any fruits or vegetables I could feed her that I could find around my house.
I don't know exactly how old she is but I'm thinking she's somewhere between 6-8 months. I've only had her for a month and a half and she shed about two weeks ago (I don't know if that's relevant or not.)
If she can eat fruits or veggies, how should I slice them and make them edible for her? Thank you so much in advance :)
she might eat romaine lettuce, kale, cilantro, spinach, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, or apples. let me go look at another thread that this question was asked on to find the rest :)
collard greens, carrot shreads, mustard greens, pears, turnip greens :)
you have to make sure that she stays hydrated and that the pieces are small enough for her to eat
keep in mind, she may not recognize any of this as food because it doesnt move. if she will eat out of you hand, move the food around some so it appears to be moving to help stimulate them to eat it. the lettuce you can attach leaves of it to the sides or top of her viv, cut the fuit into SMALL pieces, especially the hard fuit like fresh pears and apples. shread carrots. hopefully she eat some of those things!!
welcome! :) let us know if she eats any of those, and i would love to see a pic of her! we love pictures here on the forum :D
I tried some pears, she wasn't really interested so I opened a little thing of peaches and cut them up for her and she LOVED them.

And here she is the day I got her :)


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Sorry for the late response!
Haha thank you :) she's an awesome catch. From what I've read chams can be really mean! She's the biggest sweetheart, she loves everyone and will climb right out of her cage to jump on you and say hi.
But yeah, crickets and a few fruit flies. I think that's all that's really available at the PetSmart I get her food at.
Now that I know she likes mandarin oranges (she tried those and loved them) and peaches too I can provide some variety in her diet :)
Awe she's cute! Try hornworms with her. Pet smart normally carries them. (Here in ontario at least. Not sure about other places lol)
you could also try ordering online i just ordered 500 crickets and 1000 meal worms they have a lot of different feeders. it cost less too instead of going to the pet store. most places offer free shipping after you spend so much or they just ship feeders for free
Thank you! :D
Yes I have, finally, and I bought her about 100 crickets. She was sooo happy. I don't know if I could actually feed her hornworms because they look like caterpillars and I love caterpillars, but I could do mealworms! Eww they look gross :p. I have no problem with the crickets because they look like roaches and I have a bit of an entomophobia, so watching her eat them is relieving to me because it's one less bug to jump on me in the future :)
hahahaha that cracked me up!! its good to have variety in her diet so try out the mealworms and see what she thinks :) im glad you were finally able to get out! lol it sucks being stuck sometimes, but sometimes its relaxing too.
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