Fun in the sun, outside enclosures! [pictures]

I've been telling myself for the past couple of months that I would go get some lumber and finally build the boys their outdoor enclosures.
BUT THEN a wonderful idea came to mind, "Why build one for triple the expense when I can just buy two already made for only $10 each!?"
So that is exactly what I did. The other day Chels and I went to Ikea and bought their fold-up laundry baskets. They are only $8.99 and SO PERFECT for the boys.
I bought 8 foot floral vines from a craft store for an addition $10 each and then twist-tied them to make a zig-zag climbing area within the baskets.
To really top it off, they even fold up with the floral still twist-tied on. So once I am done with them I merely slip them under my bed until next time! Way better then having two 2x2x4 enclosures sitting in the backyard :D
As you can tell, I am ridiculous stoked about the idea, and so were my chameleons, here are some photos:

Of course Gizmo chooses to bask on the ground...

All done!
I wanted one of the explorariums 3 years back and my boyfriend laughed and asked me why I'd pay 40-50$ for a popup laundry basket so we have been using a laundry basket since
I was going to grab a couple of those at IKEA a couple months ago. I just didn't like how the top fit. It doesn't have a zipper and is only held closed by a single piece of velcro!! My larger chams would squeeze right out of it!!
I took a look at the old outdoor cage my bro in law built me when we both had beardies today while mowing the lawn and was thinking of modding/repairing it. It is more long than high, but I could cut the legs and put it on something or build a stand for it and just put it vertical. It does have metal mesh, but I could line the inside with smaller screening.
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