Fun poll - Love or Hate relationship

Tilly my veiled female absolutely loves me. Right from day one. All she wants to do is sit on my shoulder and should I attempt to suggest she goes back in her enclosure, she will scoot half way down my back. Crafty girl knows there is nothing I can do to get her off!!!

Charlie my Nosy Be Panther absolutely hates me. Lunging and side swiping, doesn't actually bite though. Can't win 'em all :love:
Well 3 out of 4 hate me. all are Panthers 2 WC(not attempted handling) and 2 are CB. Both lady's puff up at me and won't eat from my hand, the WC male will hand feed but doesn't quite trust me fully, and then there is Reggie CB ambilobe the guy is so social he will throw himself at you some days, other days he likes privacy, but on those social days are great, I put him in his tree, next thing you know he is on the back of the couch watching TV with us and the dogs.... I will never begin to understand but I will take it!
My male veiled hates me but loves my girlfriend... Any time I open the cage for maintenance or my weekly handling to do a visual health check he immediately puffs up and starts with the deep hissing. If i am quick enough, I can get my hand under his chin and coarse him off the branch. If im not on my game I get all teeth.... My girlfriend on the other hand, only needs to open his cage and he comes right to her and happily sits on her shoulder.

This all started after I moved him to his new adult cage... I guess I am just another male in his territory haha
Vedool could give or take me.
He isn't a lover by any means, but he tolerates me.

If he's basking and I put my hands near him, he'll lurch around and puff up. If I touch him anywhere else in the enclosure, he's fine. He doesn't actively run to crawl around on me, but if I stick my hand under him and lift to encourage him to hop on board, he will. He'll hang out with me and sleep on me, and when I try to put him in the enclosure after, he'll turn around and go up my arm, or some days he'll run back in like he was abused. :rolleyes:

My gal, Sammy the ambilobe panther is FEARLESS and she loves me! (Or associates me with food! Either way, I’m happy ). She waits at the door all day and when I open it she runs right out! When I’m cleaning the paper towel at the bottom of her cage, she’ll sometimes sneak onto my head !

I have a little boy Faly (named Turk) I just got today but he is not skiddish at all! I think he will come around!


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My gal, Sammy the ambilobe panther is FEARLESS and she loves me! (Or associates me with food! Either way, I’m happy ). She waits at the door all day and when I open it she runs right out! When I’m cleaning the paper towel at the bottom of her cage, she’ll sometimes sneak onto my head !

I have a little boy Faly (named Turk) I just got today but he is not skiddish at all! I think he will come around!
Where did you get Faly?
Moe my male veiled is so sweet. Despite me having to give him oral medication daily (which he takes like a champ), he's never hissed or tried to bite me. I've had him for over a year now and had him since he was 2 or 3 months. My first cham, Vera the female panther was also such a sweetheart. I've been blessed to have such nice chameleons and I'm very thankful.
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