Funny but a lil worried


New Member
I use a clear feeding cup (which i havent used lately) to feed him his pheonyx worms and for the past month hes been fine with it, and today he just realized theres another chameleon "in it" haha hes never seen his reflection before and hell go charge down by it and puff up all big, its really funny how big he can get...but is this a definate no no? or is it okay to keep the clear cup? He'll stand next to it all big for bout a min then walk off...hes only done this twice, both today
well hes never before hit it with his toungue...his vine goes up diagonally by it so hes got a great view of the food
This sort of stress can affect his eating habits and eventually lead to illness. They really are cute when they do this, but you don't want the poor guy to think there's a troll chameleon living in his feeding cup. Most recommend an opaque feeding cup. Not just so the cham doesn't see his reflection, but also so they can see where the cup wall is and better judge the shoot of their tongue. If the cup is transparent, the cham may try to overshoot, beyond the cup wall and end up permanently damaging the tongue.
you could try using a coffee mug??

I had a small glass bowl in with my Male and he tried getting the bugs through the glass, so I switched it with a coffee mug and have not had any problems .
Clear cups and for some reason red cups or anything red can make some Chameleon's really stressed and puff up. Not really sure what it is about the red but a few people on here have had problems with it with their Cham's. I'm sure other Cham owners experience the same thing with certain colors and or apparel as well such as hats or big jackets. Every Chameleon has it's own likes and dislikes and react differently to certain surroundings.
I use a black measuring cup. My Cham really likes the black for some reason and half the time he will only eat worms if they are in the cup instead of free range.
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