funny little story


New Member
So the other day i went to go read the temperature of my female veilds cage and when i stuck in the probe she ran up to my hand and thrusted her tounge out to grab the probe, she ended up hitting my finger and pulled in...i didnt want to hurt her so i went in with her and she started chewing on my finger...and lemme tell you she has a strong little jaw....i thought it was hilarious.......and let me say she loves to eat, since than everytime i open the mesh she runs up and follows my hand with googly eyes...has any one had similar experiences?
:Sure have. Same thing happened with my female panther. She has a pretty strong jaw also. No damage just felt like someone was pinching me. She will go for anything that moves. EYES watch your eyes. My male is actually somewhat warmed up to me. I can hand feed him anything now. Used to only be hornworms or silkies he would take from me. Now when I put my hand up he will start aiming. Of course if I dont have a feeder it doesnt take long for him to get pissed hahaha. Just be careful and dont pull away this can hurt them. You did it right letting her chew on you for a sec:)
he he there amazing eh, both my female veild and male panther will hand feed anything, the panther will alomst never eat unless its from me....hes real pickey....he loves to come out tho and reaches for me somtimes which is kinda cool, unlike my male veiled who hisses and lunges anytime i get close..he he he
She saw the shiny surface of the probe and though it was water.

remember those animals that shot at the owners glistening eyes

give them more h20
has any one had similar experiences?

Yes, and if they catch me, or something I am holding, with their tongue- I also, like you, do not resist for fear of hurting the cham's tongue. I just stand there with my hand at the cham's mouth (with me still attached to whatever the cham took into its mouth). In a few seconds they release whatever it was they mistakenly zapped and I withdraw it. It has happened only a few times, and definitely something I try to avoid because it can be so dangerous for the cham. It doesn't hurt when they take those few test chomps on your finger. They pretty well know right away that they made a mistake.

There are 2 natural, automatic, reflexes that take a lot of self control to resist:

Not to pull back when you get zapped with their tongue.

And not to "fling", or shake off, a cham that unexpectedly bites you.
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