funny lol


New Member
a day in the life of norman , my panther cham

two things made me chuckle
1 the kids had used my tub to catch the water from his dripper , for there pasta,
so on the way home from work remembered i would have to soak up the water as the tub i found was not big enougth

2 whilst soaking up the water , with no top on coz its hot , he must of thought my tattoos were food and kept flicking his tounge at me lol

So the kids used the same tub for pasta that had been used for dripper water? That is not only funny but really gross as well!
So the kids used the same tub for pasta that had been used for dripper water? That is not only funny but really gross as well!

i wash it up every day when i get in from work , and put in back in the morning , not this morning , luckily they had not eaten any of the pasta
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