Funny question


New Member
Hi everyone!

So my cham is doing this funny thing these days. Whenever I turn off the light and come back to look if he fell asleep and what not, he is always on the screen wall just hanging while he is in sleep.

I don't know what he is going through but it doesn't look comfortable AT ALL lol. Is this some other way of him trying to say I need something or he just likes to sleep on a vertical wall?
Sometimes they just like to sleep like that. Or maybe you don't have enough plants or branches for him to sleep on in your cage. I would have to see your set up.
Zaphod does this from time to time. He will usually do this for a couple days and then its off to the next sleeping spot.
Mine used to do this once in a while when he was younger. Now that he is a little over a year old, he no longer does this. If your lights go out as he is climbing on the screen, then chances are, he will sleep there because he can't find his way to a different branch in the dark.

This is where I absolutely love my blue LED's on my LightYourReptiles quad fixture. 99.9% of the time, my chameleon is snuggled into his sleep spot about an hour before all my lights go off. But that 0.1% of the time he isn't in his sleep spot, the blue LED's come in real handy. They come on for 30 minutes after all my other lights go out that way it allows him time to find where he wants to sleep if he has not already done so. This also helps him transition from "lights on" time to "total darkness" time a little better as well, as it might happen in nature as the sun sets and the moon comes out, instead of just going from all lights on to total darkness all of a sudden like some people who have all their lights on one timer.

That, and it just adds a nice little moonlight effect for 30 minutes before total darkness occurs in the cage so that I can admire my chameleon just a little bit more :). My chameleon doesn't seem to be too bothered by the blue lights either, as he falls asleep almost immediately after they come on, given that he is in one of his sleeping spots. He looks pretty cool sleeping under the blue lights. Too bad I can't keep them on all night or else it would bug him...... :(
Hi everyone!

So my cham is doing this funny thing these days. Whenever I turn off the light and come back to look if he fell asleep and what not, he is always on the screen wall just hanging while he is in sleep.

I don't know what he is going through but it doesn't look comfortable AT ALL lol. Is this some other way of him trying to say I need something or he just likes to sleep on a vertical wall?

If possible, you want to set up your cage so he doesn't do this because as he gets older and heavier, the screen climbing takes its toll on their nails. The shorter their nails and the fewer number they have, the more likely they are to fall and grab onto the screen on the way down and shorten/rip out what nails they have left. It's a vicious cycle that ends with a chameleon with no toe nails. No (or short) nails means he can't grab onto branches either so is more likely to fall.

If I see one of mine like this, I pick them up off the screen and put them in the plants.

Try giving him more very skinny natural branches to perch on--pencil size or less and covered in bark.
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