Good morning, Chameleon world! I wanted to share an interview I had with Frank Payne. Frank is one of our community's most experienced breeders and is one of the leaders in the effort to establish Furcifer minor in captivity. One thing that is special about this interview is that, not only do we learn about Furcifer minor and how to care for it, we get an insight into the husbandry and methods used by Frank across his entire chameleon collection. Long time breeders have had the time to distill their husbandry to what is necessary and what works. They are able to tweak subtle elements and are able to observe the results over years. So anytime I can get a view into what they have learned it is always enlightening!
You can listen on your podcast app or, courtesy of our forum creator Brad, right here on the forums!
Shown here is the famous gravid female Furcifer minor.
But this, rarely seen, side of the female Furcifer minor is what she looks like when she is not gravid.
The male Furcifer minor is cryptically colored and has a twin blade rostral horn
And how could we do this without baby pictures?
You can listen on your podcast app or, courtesy of our forum creator Brad, right here on the forums!
Shown here is the famous gravid female Furcifer minor.
But this, rarely seen, side of the female Furcifer minor is what she looks like when she is not gravid.
The male Furcifer minor is cryptically colored and has a twin blade rostral horn
And how could we do this without baby pictures?