Furcifer minor

I have heard they acclimatize and breed well in captivity. Would be nice to see some F. minor exported to the states that is if anyone in Europe can put togther the paperwork to export.
Hello Mario,

Unfortunately as a junior member you cannot place ads in the classifieds yet. You must have a member status.

As for finding animals for yours, I am not sure. There arent a lot of people from the Netherlands on here and I havnt heard of any people with Furcifer minor for a while.

You can always export some to us in the US:D

There are quite some from the Netherlands on this forum, at least the people who have interesting species.

As for minor, it's hard to get with the right documents.

Mario has bred a bunch of minors few months ago btw.
There are quite some from the Netherlands on this forum, at least the people who have interesting species.

As for minor, it's hard to get with the right documents.

Mario has bred a bunch of minors few months ago btw.

I only know of a few of you from the Netherlands. At least the ones of you who actually post.;)

I think Mario needs to post some pictures!!:D
This link contains a male photo within 24 hours after hatching, as you can see they get born very strong.
Need to look for more but do not have them all online.

They get hatched brown, then after a few days get green.
Females a day old when they get aggressive to another already show the colouration of adult pregnant females.

In fact i found it to be a pretty easy species, even more easy then lateralis that is with just keeping them.

Main difficultie with this species is females going egg bound on first clutch.
Really need to wait until 12-15 months and they should be skinny when mated not fat. Otherwise big eggs will develop en they die even before digging a hole. They show adult colouration between 6-9 months.

Next problem i solved is the incubation, i do it as follow:
1)4-6 weeks at room temperature
2)6 weeks at 8 degrees celsius (i put them in my frigidair, next to the chicken eggs) :D Doing diapause at room temperature, coldest in winter was 12 degrees, i only had 50% development after diapause, 8 degrees gave me 100%
3) Slowly increasing room temperature each month upto 21 degrees, adding more moister after a few months (H2O-Water in mass 0.7 to 1)
4) When the eggs go from white to somewhat transparent i put them at 24 degrees in an incubator, for better hatching succes.
Total time takes 11 months, having them warmer in 2nd warm phase reduces to 7,5 months but much smaller hatchlings.

If males dont mate, give them more winter/some feeling, increasing to 30 degrees at daytime, they will start mating.

When you make it very cold in winter they go underground, as i have whitnessed myself also for verruscosus. (Thats why they probably at some times in year can hardly find any in madagascar)

This year i had 4 clutches, total 40 eggs laid, all eggs survived till hatching.
31 hatched good (a few i kept to cold while hatching) In total i managed to raise 27, which are now a few months of age.

Kind regards,
Thanks for this info Mario, it's great to read how you simulated temperatures to what they do in nature, requires some research ;)

It's great to see such fanatics that really but the time and effort in these kind of things so we are able to understand and keep certain species in captivity. The more we know about certain species the better it is at the moment some species are endangered for instance.
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