Furcifer Minors

Thanks Jurgen! Marge is doing great on her diet. She is almost ready for the date that she has with Homer in September!

They are stunning...and stunningly different! I always start wondering what triggered the development of a distinct marking...such as those different electric blue spots on their sides. Why are they there in that area as opposed to somewhere else, and why just the two? Their red gular stripes I can understand...enhancing the effect of inflating their gular pouch during display. The blue spots and the outlined highlight around them almost look like deceptive eyes (you know, like many insects have to attract a predator to so it grabs a less vital area), but on their body would not be very effective. Was it an advantage to appear to have multiple eyes on each side? Regardless, its a wonderful effect and I wouldn't change it.

You are lucky to have these little beauties around.
Marge layed 11 small eggs yesterday. She was about 23 grams before laying. She was 17 grams after. She is recovering with heavily dusted roaches and crickets...


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