Future Chameleon Owner

The fogger is more URI. There are up to eight setting times on rain dome timer. I don't have a problem with humidity with my cage. Live plants help a ton! i keep the humidity around 50% going up to 80% after the dome goes off. I have heard that foggers are just bad choices, but it is a choice.
Hello, welcome to the forum :) Honestly, a fogger can be useful to keep up humidity. If you have an automatic mister like a mistking or raindome that would be better. For a panther you probably don't need the extra humidity a fogger provides. Some montane species get a fogger as standard though, so it shouldn't hurt either.
I keep Veileds and they are rather more forgiving when it comes to humidity. I get away with this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000LFTYV0/?tag=hydra0b-21&hvadid=9550948629&ref=asc_df_B000LFTYV0 :D

Sounds to me like you are ready to get started on the real fun and getting your gutloads and various insects sorted out :) Allow me to link you to Sandras blog, it has all the info you could want on the calcium content of Dandelions and Rocket leaves - https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/75-feeder-nutrition-gutloading.html
Insects -
Dont forget to buy supplements. But as far as where to get the cham from, you should not order online in winter if you live where it is cold. I ordered a cham online and I live in Ct. It arrived here almost dead and died 2 days later. If you can wait (which I would suggest doing, since some online companies are very reliable), then buy one in the spring or summer. If you want one right away, I reccomend a privately owned pet store. Sorry, but petsmart and petco and other big names are horrible with care and do not get good quality animals. I bought many of my reptiles from a single privately owned reptile shop and they are perfectly healthy to this day. The only thing is I usually see veileds in pet stores, maybe a few jacksons so I do not know if panthers are around in your area.
They are beautiful but some can be around 300 bucks!
The fogger is more URI. There are up to eight setting times on rain dome timer. I don't have a problem with humidity with my cage. Live plants help a ton! i keep the humidity around 50% going up to 80% after the dome goes off. I have heard that foggers are just bad choices, but it is a choice.

I just wanted to understand the issue with the Fogger, I don't want to do this wrong and end up with an unhealthy chameleon, so for me it's more just making sure I know why things are bad or necessary. I will look into the raindome a little more. I think they're neat, so that may be what I go with. Thanks for the help!
Sounds to me like you are ready to get started on the real fun and getting your gutloads and various insects sorted out :) Allow me to link you to Sandras blog, it has all the info you could want on the calcium content of Dandelions and Rocket leaves - https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/75-feeder-nutrition-gutloading.html
Insects -

Thanks for the links, this forum is great. I'm learning a lot on here and I'm getting very excited for when in finally ready for my new little guy.
So like I said the fogger can give them upper repertory infections, because of the overly amount of water that they breath in. Panthers only need like 40-80% humidity. And the spike only has to be through out the day it doesn't have to be constant. So the fogger would be over kill. :) What size cage are you using? and are you going to put live plants in it?
The cage is an Exo-Terra screen terrarium, 18" x 18" x 24" I know I will need a taller cage when he gets bigger. I do plan on having live plants, still doing some research on those. I see many people saying they use Ficus Trees and Pothos, so I'd get one of those, but I would like something that flowers, just add a little color, not sure what would be a good choice yet.
In a glass Viv there is no way you want a fogger it will end up giving you Cham alot of problems, also glass vivs are not recommended for chameleons and if your planing on using a Viv that small it will need a bigger home by 5 months old
In a glass Viv there is no way you want a fogger it will end up giving you Cham alot of problems, also glass vivs are not recommended for chameleons and if your planing on using a Viv that small it will need a bigger home by 5 months old

It's not glass, it's a 100% screen enclosure. I guess calling it a terrarium was a bad choice, sorry.
It's not glass, it's a 100% screen enclosure. I guess calling it a terrarium was a bad choice, sorry.

No, it wasn't....terrarium or vivarium is perfectly accurate, doesn't specify what it's made of.
And you mentioned it was the Exo-Terra screen one, we all know what that looks like :)
At least you didn't call it a tank :D. That makes everyone think of a 0 ventilation fish aquarium.......
I just wanted to understand the issue with the Fogger, I don't want to do this wrong and end up with an unhealthy chameleon, so for me it's more just making sure I know why things are bad or necessary. I will look into the raindome a little more. I think they're neat, so that may be what I go with. Thanks for the help!

I use a mistking that goes off 4 times a day for 5 min. each session and that keeps the humidity where it needs to be. From what I understand you want spikes of humnidity all day, it doesn't need to be constant. I also keep lots of live plants in the enclosure that helps keep the humidity at a good percentage in between mistings. That's what I was told anyways and what I've been doing for the past year for Loki and he has worked out fine with it. I also put a submersible fish tank heater in the misting water bucket so he's misted with warm water and that seemed to help him like it instead of run away from it every time lol
I use a mistking that goes off 4 times a day for 5 min. each session and that keeps the humidity where it needs to be. From what I understand you want spikes of humnidity all day, it doesn't need to be constant. I also keep lots of live plants in the enclosure that helps keep the humidity at a good percentage in between mistings. That's what I was told anyways and what I've been doing for the past year for Loki and he has worked out fine with it. I also put a submersible fish tank heater in the misting water bucket so he's misted with warm water and that seemed to help him like it instead of run away from it every time lol

That's a good idea
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