Gabriel, My New Meller's

I'm so jealous - sorry you had shipping stress but he/she is definately worth it. One day, I keep telling myself, one day, and I'll have my own Melleri colony! Best of luck! :D
Today he definitely felt more lively. We even got to hand feed him a nice juicy roach!

We took our second Lowe's shelving unit, stacked it, and built a new open cage for him in under an hour. It's totally waterproof, we made a really decent rain box that both rains and mists him over a good half of the cage, and the drainage is perfect for the month we have left.


He wandered down to the edge of his cage and onto the big bare branches today to bask in the sun that was coming in through the open window. The weather has been awesome during the days here. Sorry, cell phone photo!


And a little bit ago before lights went off.


It looks like Gabriel is settling in nicely. Those are pretty greens for only a couple days. I will admit your stressing over his delivery had me worried for you. I think Gabriel will be a wonderful addition to you group. I love mellers but will never own another one after Rah. But you know I love pictures form people who have then.:D
He looks like he's starting to get comfy!!!!

Yes, thankfully! He's starting to explore and he even ate from us for the first time so I'm taking these as good signs.

It looks like Gabriel is settling in nicely. Those are pretty greens for only a couple days. I will admit your stressing over his delivery had me worried for you. I think Gabriel will be a wonderful addition to you group. I love mellers but will never own another one after Rah. But you know I love pictures form people who have then.:D

Thanks! He was dark in the basking photo but I'm glad he's not looking duller like he did when he first came in. I think he's definitely getting more comfortable.

At least you know that I'll definitely take lots of photos! I did manage to break my camera lens the other day so I've been using either my cell phone or my point-and-shoot but they don't do anyone justice. I'm looking into buying a much better lens, so hopefully my photos will be a lot nicer.

I missed this Awsome pick up!!! congrats :)

Thanks Hoj!
Congrats, he looks great, and he's settling in :D.
Good job you stuck to your guns - no matter how much you like 'Warrior of the lost world' that is a rubbish name for a lizard.....
I bet Gabriel has a longer range on his tongue than so-called Megaweapon has on his flamethrower :rolleyes:
Congrats, he looks great, and he's settling in :D.
Good job you stuck to your guns - no matter how much you like 'Warrior of the lost world' that is a rubbish name for a lizard.....
I bet Gabriel has a longer range on his tongue than so-called Megaweapon has on his flamethrower :rolleyes:

Haha score one for David! First person to get the reference. My boyfriend laughed and still thinks it would have been a glorious name for a chameleon, since Megaweapon was mighty enough to destroy that obnoxious bike! I, like you, think it's a rubbish name lol.
Congrats, he looks great, and he's settling in :D.
Good job you stuck to your guns - no matter how much you like 'Warrior of the lost world' that is a rubbish name for a lizard.....
I bet Gabriel has a longer range on his tongue than so-called Megaweapon has on his flamethrower :rolleyes:

David why do you know ever bit of crap in the world that means nothing? I worry about you.:rolleyes:
David why do you know ever bit of crap in the world that means nothing? I worry about you.:rolleyes:

All that useful information has a price ;) .............'twould be nice if could choose to forget all the crap films I've seen and replace them with things that will help me to pass exams, but I'll take being able to make people laugh when the opportunity arises as a consolation prize :cool:
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