Gamer Tags


Hey how many of yoy chameleon lovers out there play video games online??? On xbox my gt that i only play halo on cause its on my halo reach edition xbox that gt it TakeItBentOver

Most other games i play on my mw2 edition xbox so i only play the call of duty games and pretty much everything else so that gt is ItWasAWetFart

And when gears of war 3 comes out yup you geussed it ill only be playing it on my soon to be gears of war 360 that gt is IdHitItToo so add me and lets game it up if your on playstation my gamer tags are ILoveYourVaJJ and JeftysMyBFFF looking foward to playing with you my fellow cham lovers and gaming gangsters and remember behind the mic everyones a bad a$$!!!
I am getting Gears of War 3 at midnight, can't wait! I only play MW2 right now since I am broke and it's the only game I own. I am getting MW3, BF3, Skyrim, and a few others this fall if I can afford them all.

My GT is AZJ0SH. Add me if you feel like it. :D

I also run a video game news site for anyone interested, I build/run websites as a hobby:
well add me you silly sally's!!!:D but just know if you get offended be careful playing with me cause i say random stuff online all the time. right now i'm in a mw2 fix so i'm always down to play!!! so hit me up!!!

havent gotten on lately, got tired of reach but i was on not long ago. also played th ehell out of borderlands for quite awhile. love that game.

have black ops but totally suck at it, i only play that with people who are "for fun" players only (people who dont rage at n00bs, you know what i mean) i am probably better than average at halo but still, some people get too heated.

EDIT: Does anyone play minecraft? I'd love to join a forum members server. I had one going with some friends but I havent been able to get it to connect for awhile.
Don't Play FPS or console games anymore. Presently I am playing Rift. Just mainly play mmo's. Will be playing diablo 3 when it comes out.

havent gotten on lately, got tired of reach but i was on not long ago. also played th ehell out of borderlands for quite awhile. love that game.

have black ops but totally suck at it, i only play that with people who are "for fun" players only (people who dont rage at n00bs, you know what i mean) i am probably better than average at halo but still, some people get too heated.

EDIT: Does anyone play minecraft? I'd love to join a forum members server. I had one going with some friends but I havent been able to get it to connect for awhile.
i'm a beast at cod i thought black ops sucked at first but it grew on me. I love killing zombies!!! and i put in halo reach the other day and some people have waaaay to much time on thier hands some guy from one side of the map with a rocket pack was in mid air and got a head shot on me from the other side of the map with a pistol!!

Don't Play FPS or console games anymore. Presently I am playing Rift. Just mainly play mmo's. Will be playing diablo 3 when it comes out.

i was a huge diablo freak i've been waiting for diablo 3 for the past 6 years when it was suppose to come out!!!
i was a huge diablo freak i've been waiting for diablo 3 for the past 6 years when it was suppose to come out!!!

I'm pretty sure everyone is waiting for this game... i know i am!!!

BTW-- Anyone play some League of Legends or World of Tanks?

I'm panthercham on both :)
hey is anyone getting dead island??? also i just picked up brink yesterday brand new for just 29.99 it's pretty good if you like games with objectives.
Hey my GT is breasticles87 i need to renew my subscription though & my PSN is pinpoint87 i tend to use the PS more though!

Call of duty addict:D
hey is anyone getting dead island??? also i just picked up brink yesterday brand new for just 29.99 it's pretty good if you like games with objectives.

I am going to rent Dead Island before I buy it, see how it lives up.

As for Brink, I got the game on the day it released, and was really disappointed in the gameplay. The style was new and innovative, which is a plus, but I got really bored really fast with the game. I traded it in 2 weeks after it came out.

Driver San Fransisco comes out this month, the demo is pretty fun I might have to pick up this one as well.

I know right??? one of the characters in dead isle looks alot like francis from the first left 4 dead and the game play looks alot like it too and if soo its a deff buy I loved left 4 dead and killing zombies!!!
My gamer tag is bigcappa, add me if you please I will accept! I'll be getting Gears 3 as well! Also can't wait for MW and BF3
My XB Live and PSN network tags are both Maurer3D (same as all my forum tag).

I don't play online to much (Halo, GOW 3 (when it gets here), You Don't Know Jack, Lost planet 2, some other random games)
Im definitely a gamer.. too bad I'm on PSN (ESO_714)... I go real hard on COD... definitely better than the average player! no bragging rights needed! lol.. There are definitely a lot of games coming out this fall! kinda wish they would spread them out more lol..
I'm sooo waiting for MW3! I haven't played much with it being summer, but i'm ready to start gaming it up again. I have cod black ops as well. 360 rocks! My gt is Ch1tT1TsMcGEEEE lol
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