Gaping while basking?


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon (Male) 5 Months old

Handling - 3 Times a week depending on his mood

Feeding - 10 crickets a day 5 morn/ 5 mid afternoon sometimes more) Variations of Veggies for gutload along with some Cricket Crack and Fluckers cricket quencher)

Supplements - Calcium w/out D3 every feeding light light) Calcium w/D3 twice a month (herptavite twice a month)

Watering - Dripper-4 second intervals for about a 5 hour period- Misting 3 times a day for about 5-10 minutes each time. or untill enclosure seems nice and wet with the gauge reading 70% or higher
Fecal Description - always a brownish black thicker poop, with a bright white end
History - Lambeau recently visited the vet because we suspected after posting on the forum that he was a little overweight, He had a fecal exam, and blood work done, both came back negative for any signs of parasites, or issues, The vet declared he was a nice healthy boy but he was a little heavy for his size and he needed to be placed on a diet to make sure he would continue being healthy and have a nice long life. We have successfully stuck with the diet and he does seem to have shaped up.
Cage Info:

Cage Type -all screen framed woods enclosure (56HX24DX36W)

Lighting - REPTISUN UVB 36"/ 75watt Zoo med Basking) (50 House Bulb)
Temperature - 90-95 basking Range, 80-85 mid range (lowest at bottom would be ambient temp of room-but he hardly ever can be found down towards the bottom, sometimes when he is exploring or out for a walk)

Humidity - 70% many times throughout the day,higher after misting, but has been at 50% before (we use a tall spray bottle with luke warm water, and a dripper system.
Plants - Umbrella Trees, and one Palm, all live
Placement - Cage is located in the living room, not a very high traffic area, mostly just my daughter, husband, and i and occasionally a one of our two dogs passing by into the TV room
Location -MAINE

Current Problem - Lambeau has started a unusual for him habit, on several occasions when he is basking he will have his mouth slightly open, upon approaching the cage he will immediately close it and not do it, then i will see him on his basking perch hours later doing the same thing.
Is this the onset of a RI, as i have never seen him doing this before. should i visit the vet?
I also want to add- He also has been taking quick trips towards the bottom of his trees, he travels down quickly and then returns back up, i have seen him doing this recently on many occasions.
Mine do it all the time it's completely normal they are just regulating their temp because they got to hot
Hey, I didn't look at your basking temp, but move his lamp a little bit away from him and see if he is just hot and trying to cool down
Just looked, tad warm
i agree but, if your cham gapes frequently it also means its a little too hot. then you might be required to lower it a little.
Well it seemed like a pretty easy thing to try first, rather than just immediately say go to the vet, which alot of responses say to do without taking a moment to look at the obvious or use a little common sense.
After I posted I did go back and look. Then edited
Grumpy today syn?
Well it seemed like a pretty easy thing to try first, rather than just immediately say go to the vet, which alot of responses say to do without taking a moment to look at the obvious or use a little common sense.
After I posted I did go back and look. Then edited
Grumpy today syn?
Assuming it is too warm when it could be just right and therefore making it too cold or if it was already cold, making it even colder...

He could have just been yawning because he was shedding.

Yes, I'm grumpy, my dad is in the hospital and it is very likely he won't make it out, my soccer team has decided I'm not good enough and want me replaced, and one of my friends has stolen a bag full of my stuff from me (with college text books in it and other things) and now I have to replace that. Thanks for asking.
I have moved his light upward about a inch, his basking gauge hasn't dropped yet but should in a few im assuming. I suppose i should add that we mad ethe adjustment with the bulbs when we got a new UVB light about a week ago, because the winter temps are comming and the ambient temps have been dropping we replaced his 50Watt basking bulb with a 75 watt, we had the 50 resting less then a half inch above the screen and when we got the 75 watt we mounted it about a inch and a half away from the screen top to get the temp at the basking site to be around the same as the 5o was, it was slightly higher by a few degrees but figured it wouldn't make a difference, i have now brought the 75 watt up another inch, and will monitor the temp. To explain even further...since getting the new 75 watt we have had record high temps for this time of year reaching 84Deg for 3 days in a row, including today, reaching 78Deg
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Assuming it is too warm when it could be just right and therefore making it too cold or if it was already cold, making it even colder...

He could have just been yawning because he was shedding.

Yes, I'm grumpy, my dad is in the hospital and it is very likely he won't make it out, my soccer team has decided I'm not good enough and want me replaced, and one of my friends has stolen a bag full of my stuff from me (with college text books in it and other things) and now I have to replace that. Thanks for asking.

Im sorry your having a bad day Syn :( sorry to hear about your father, he is actually due for a shed anytime now so it may be a good assumption...i fear i was cooking him :( my Lambeau is like family, no different from the dogs..i just get paranoid and have been known to leap to the vets without hesitation, my husband told me to get on the forum and consult with the gurus before panicking
So i have brought the temp down about 4 degrees, a ambient in his basking temp of about 89-92 max degrees, i took him outside for a hour to let him bask in the sunlight and he did in fact display a open mouth (not a wide open mouth, just cracked about a 1/4 of a inch) his appetite seems normal as he has been chasing the flys around during his stay outside. Now a observation i have made i cant ignore is that he does have the onset signs of a shed, as syn said, could this be him trying to crack the shed on his mouth ?, I was able to really look in his mouth and it looked clear and healthy, im just nervous, advice anyone:confused:
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