New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon (Male) 5 Months old
Handling - 3 Times a week depending on his mood
Feeding - 10 crickets a day 5 morn/ 5 mid afternoon sometimes more) Variations of Veggies for gutload along with some Cricket Crack and Fluckers cricket quencher)
Supplements - Calcium w/out D3 every feeding light light) Calcium w/D3 twice a month (herptavite twice a month)
Watering - Dripper-4 second intervals for about a 5 hour period- Misting 3 times a day for about 5-10 minutes each time. or untill enclosure seems nice and wet with the gauge reading 70% or higher
Fecal Description - always a brownish black thicker poop, with a bright white end
History - Lambeau recently visited the vet because we suspected after posting on the forum that he was a little overweight, He had a fecal exam, and blood work done, both came back negative for any signs of parasites, or issues, The vet declared he was a nice healthy boy but he was a little heavy for his size and he needed to be placed on a diet to make sure he would continue being healthy and have a nice long life. We have successfully stuck with the diet and he does seem to have shaped up.
Cage Info:
Cage Type -all screen framed woods enclosure (56HX24DX36W)
Lighting - REPTISUN UVB 36"/ 75watt Zoo med Basking) (50 House Bulb)
Temperature - 90-95 basking Range, 80-85 mid range (lowest at bottom would be ambient temp of room-but he hardly ever can be found down towards the bottom, sometimes when he is exploring or out for a walk)
Humidity - 70% many times throughout the day,higher after misting, but has been at 50% before (we use a tall spray bottle with luke warm water, and a dripper system.
Plants - Umbrella Trees, and one Palm, all live
Placement - Cage is located in the living room, not a very high traffic area, mostly just my daughter, husband, and i and occasionally a one of our two dogs passing by into the TV room
Location -MAINE
Current Problem - Lambeau has started a unusual for him habit, on several occasions when he is basking he will have his mouth slightly open, upon approaching the cage he will immediately close it and not do it, then i will see him on his basking perch hours later doing the same thing.
Is this the onset of a RI, as i have never seen him doing this before. should i visit the vet?
I also want to add- He also has been taking quick trips towards the bottom of his trees, he travels down quickly and then returns back up, i have seen him doing this recently on many occasions.
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon (Male) 5 Months old
Handling - 3 Times a week depending on his mood
Feeding - 10 crickets a day 5 morn/ 5 mid afternoon sometimes more) Variations of Veggies for gutload along with some Cricket Crack and Fluckers cricket quencher)
Supplements - Calcium w/out D3 every feeding light light) Calcium w/D3 twice a month (herptavite twice a month)
Watering - Dripper-4 second intervals for about a 5 hour period- Misting 3 times a day for about 5-10 minutes each time. or untill enclosure seems nice and wet with the gauge reading 70% or higher
Fecal Description - always a brownish black thicker poop, with a bright white end
History - Lambeau recently visited the vet because we suspected after posting on the forum that he was a little overweight, He had a fecal exam, and blood work done, both came back negative for any signs of parasites, or issues, The vet declared he was a nice healthy boy but he was a little heavy for his size and he needed to be placed on a diet to make sure he would continue being healthy and have a nice long life. We have successfully stuck with the diet and he does seem to have shaped up.
Cage Info:
Cage Type -all screen framed woods enclosure (56HX24DX36W)
Lighting - REPTISUN UVB 36"/ 75watt Zoo med Basking) (50 House Bulb)
Temperature - 90-95 basking Range, 80-85 mid range (lowest at bottom would be ambient temp of room-but he hardly ever can be found down towards the bottom, sometimes when he is exploring or out for a walk)
Humidity - 70% many times throughout the day,higher after misting, but has been at 50% before (we use a tall spray bottle with luke warm water, and a dripper system.
Plants - Umbrella Trees, and one Palm, all live
Placement - Cage is located in the living room, not a very high traffic area, mostly just my daughter, husband, and i and occasionally a one of our two dogs passing by into the TV room
Location -MAINE
Current Problem - Lambeau has started a unusual for him habit, on several occasions when he is basking he will have his mouth slightly open, upon approaching the cage he will immediately close it and not do it, then i will see him on his basking perch hours later doing the same thing.
Is this the onset of a RI, as i have never seen him doing this before. should i visit the vet?
I also want to add- He also has been taking quick trips towards the bottom of his trees, he travels down quickly and then returns back up, i have seen him doing this recently on many occasions.