

New Member
I caught my male panther (8 months old, eats and drinks fine, growing well) with his mouth half open yesterday. He wasn't hunting and didn't seem particularly interested in anything. He was on the side of the tank with the heat emitter for basking so I thought it could be something they do in thermoregulation kind of like panting? Anyone have any input? I believe he is healthy, just haven't seen him do that before. The ambient tank temp was 78 with a basking spot high of 88, but he wasn't directly under the basking spot, just near it so probably around 84 or so where he was sitting.
As long as he is gaping while basking, it is probably normal. Lizards do "pant" for thermoregulation. But if he does this when he is cool, it's bad news.
Yeah, he's only doing it on the warm side and I've never seen him do it before. I'll keep an eye on him but I think you're right.
My baby get for the past 2 days has been gaping non stop and smacking his lips like he just ate but he didnt. Like he will be walking around and I'll hear a squeak and he is bright green with no stripes. What's up with that
I'm very new but that sounds like an upper respiratory infection due to the squeaking you mentioned.
My baby get for the past 2 days has been gaping non stop and smacking his lips like he just ate but he didnt. Like he will be walking around and I'll hear a squeak and he is bright green with no stripes. What's up with that

You better get him to a vet and have him checked out. It does sound like symptoms of a Respiratory infection. It will not go away on its own and it will only get worse. If you let it go untreated, your chameleon will end up dying.
He stopped peeping and smacking his mouth. I think he is doing better. I have the anti biotic my doctor gave me before. I can try that
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