Gardenias In Chameleon Enclosure


New Member
Ok, so I ran across an ad for free Gardenias. I looked them up and they are on the safe plant list to put into Cham enclosures so am thinking of picking a couple up. Question, anyone have experience with keeping them in their Cham enclosures? I am one of those people who definately does not have a green thumb. As i'm typing i'm looking at one of our plants and it looks pretty yellow and sad. :( Gardenias give off really pretty flowers and would really make Hughs cage look awesome. :)
not for beginners

Gardenias are among the most challenging of houseplants under the best of conditions. I would not encourage you to experiment with them until you have good plant-growing skills.

For those people with greenish thumbs: Gardenias need very high light and warm temperatures; it is essential that they have religiously-regular watering with soft or neutral water; I recommend feeding with an acid-reacting fertilizer (such as "MirAcid") every week usually; and keep a keen eye out for pests, especially spider mites. I don't think they will be very tolerant of chameleon traffic.

If you do it all right, the reward is the incomparable fragrance of the flowers.

I like the variety 'Frost-Proof' - its a little bit smaller in all proportions, but its hardy.
Awesome, thank you. I just thought I would give them a try since they were free but I don't want to kill them so i'll leave them for someone more experience. I'll stick to Ficus, lol!:p
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