Garrett’s orange eyes

Here's some pics of Thor from today. Looks like he's middle of the pack weight-wise but he's looking great and is healthy so I can't complain :)

@NorCalAnthony Thor’s lookin’ miiighty fine! Those yellow eye turrets really pop! Just out of curiosity, how many times has he had a full-body shed so far? My guy’s only had one full body shed and I wasn’t sure if that was unusual for C. parsonii or not.
@NorCalAnthony Thor’s lookin’ miiighty fine! Those yellow eye turrets really pop! Just out of curiosity, how many times has he had a full-body shed so far? My guy’s only had one full body shed and I wasn’t sure if that was unusual for C. parsonii or not.

Thanks :) Same here. He's only had one full body shed so far since he's been with me. Not sure if that's normal or not but at least our guys are the same there lol. Have you been keeping track of Boris's length at all?
@NorCalAnthony Haha, well whether that’s abnormal or not, it certainly makes me feel better that we’re in the same boat on that one. I haven’t been measuring his length but now I’m curious and will start documenting that. Will also grab an STV measurement later today. What’s Thor at?
@SmithSe yeah that's something I've always tried to keep track of just for my own curiosity and making sure they aren't getting too fat lol. Thor's at about 6" snout to vent using my high tech, marked up wooden dowel in the picture.
@NorCalAnthony Haha I actually had pondered what those zip-ties were used for and why they were spaced so evenly...D'OH! Boris measured juuuust over 6" (Isn't that right up there with the national average? Kidding!). Do you have Thor's STV length when you first received him? I'd love to know!
Yeah I started by just marking the inches on the dowel with a sharpie but couldn't make the lines straight enough for my liking so I wound up using the zip ties instead to ease my OCD lol. I don't have any measurements or weights from when Thor first got here, just the ones that I posted earlier in the thread that were taken on 6/20.
Hello. Quick question. I have two of Garret’s May 2017 clutch. Jumanji and Delilah. Delilah’s weight on August 5 was 131g and today 8/25 she weighed 124g. I hand feed her and have noticed she’s slowed down. Is this normal for weight to fluctuate? Jumanji has steadily gained and is currently 121g.
Hello. Quick question. I have two of Garret’s May 2017 clutch. Jumanji and Delilah. Delilah’s weight on August 5 was 131g and today 8/25 she weighed 124g. I hand feed her and have noticed she’s slowed down. Is this normal for weight to fluctuate? Jumanji has steadily gained and is currently 121g.

I can say for sure but they will slow down if there temps drop. I had this issue when I moved and had to start running a air conditioner in the window instead of central a/c. I noticed his weight stayed the same for 2 weeks but since then I turned down the air conditioning and he’s gained 10 grams. my boy is growing slower then all the other but he’s constantly gaining weight but only in small amounts. I just raised his temps a little more.
I was also dealing with him having stomatitis but luckily I’ve got him over that. Had to stop feeding dubia. Here’s a updated pic.


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@shawn_melanson Can I ask how you believe he got stomatitis and what your route of treatment was so all of the parsonii keepers can keep that in mind in case we find ourselves in a similar position? Is his mouth still slowly on the mend? He's a good lookin' dude!

Here's a couple of updated pics from a few days ago. Oh, and @NorCalAnthony, Boris finally shed. He took his sweet sweet time with 4 months in between sheds, nbd.


@shawn_melanson Can I ask how you believe he got stomatitis and what your route of treatment was so all of the parsonii keepers can keep that in mind in case we find ourselves in a similar position? Is his mouth still slowly on the mend? He's a good lookin' dude!

Here's a couple of updated pics from a few days ago. Oh, and @NorCalAnthony, Boris finally shed. He took his sweet sweet time with 4 months in between sheds, nbd.

im pretty sure its from the dubia roaches legs, i have sense stopped feeding him them. I cleared it out with a cotton swab, brought his temps up, and luckily it went away on it own.
@SmithSe, sorry about the delay been a hectic couple weeks. Boris is looking great! Thor finally started shedding last week and still has a couple spots left that are working their way off. It looks like he's finally hitting a growth spurt and weighed in at 167.5g today and is about 7" snout to vent which puts him close to the size my adult male panthers were.
Just wanted to drop in for an update! Since moving Boris inside he's shown a marked decrease in appetite, even though I keep ambient temperatures fluctuating between the low to mid 70s. This is clearly reflected in his slowdown of weight gain, where he's now averaging 12 grams/month. @NorCalAnthony Thor must be pushin' 200 grams, eh?


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hey everyone I’ve noticed a lot of people posting that they recieved a parsons from Garrett’s most recent clutch. I wanted to start this forum where everyone can post there pics, weights and such as they grow. Also anyone with older clutches I encourage to post as well!

Mine is stich he’s 47 grams
She was a yearling as of 5/24/2018, I do not remember what kind of plant / Bush I had in for her but she really like to eat it. The biggest problem was getting her to eat anyting besides crickets. She had no interest in any kind of worms flying things, the weight I do not know I never bothered the way her I know my body who has her now said she is growing like a weed and doing wonderfully however with that being said I did speak to a few other people that purchased from that clutch and they had similar issues as far as the feeding other than that to my knowledge all is well. The only thing I thought strange of the transaction with Garrett was that he would not answer a phone call but he would text and shoot pictures all day long I believe his wording was something like a phone call makes it personal. In no way shape or form am I trying to degrade or bash on him he sent me a beautiful animal he answered all my questions and he seems to be a stand-up guy
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