Gas Prices

I will be going to GateWay CC, unfortunately out of walking distance but there is a bus about 5 miles away that can take me to the light rail which has a stop directly on campus.

Ride your bike to the bus station! Do the buses there carrie bikes on the front as they do here?...a little walk won't hurt you...
Ride your bike to the bus station! Do the buses there carrie bikes on the front as they do here?...a little walk won't hurt you...
Not sure, I'm checking into that sort of thing towards the middle of May.
Well what do you know, prices here are actually coming down! $4.29 today from $4.39 sometime last week...
The last time I got gas it was $4.18 or so per gallon. Now it's something like $4.09. Luckily I have a small car (Toyota Yaris), but with my long commutes daily to work and college, I have to fill the tank more often than I'd like. Even with this car I have to pay over $40 to fill it.
The last time I got gas it was $4.18 or so per gallon. Now it's something like $4.09. Luckily I have a small car (Toyota Yaris), but with my long commutes daily to work and college, I have to fill the tank more often than I'd like. Even with this car I have to pay over $40 to fill it.

Got gas today at the tune of $86.00...
Yeah. : / I'm in the same boat, just spreading the money in different ways since my car payments are $300/month (old car kept breaking down in new and creative ways) and I have to help my dad with bills sometimes. It's a bad time for everyone and the gas prices aren't helping.
its $3.69 here and climbing :/ i love how when it goes down, it goes slow..then when it goes up, it spikes! -.-
Gas prices do suck I remember when i drove my camero i was paying under a dollar for a gallon of gas and im not that old lol.... now here in northern ca it back up to almost 4 dollars a gallon and only expected to go higher as summer gets closer... my fiancee drives a little pick up ( stick shift ) for commuting and he spends about 600 a month in gas s crazy
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