Gasping at night


New Member
I had this Cham for about almost two weeks. Was delayed so thought was dead when it arrived. But had sudden movement. Getting to a vet can't do until Thursday of next week. He eat crickets on Tuesday an some bsfl flies I think also an maybe today. Been in distress last couple nights with gasping sound an mouth opening. So thinking it's a eye or lung infection. But honestly not sure. His bottom jaw is loose when he opens his mouth. An mouth stays open just alittle. Have get that Pic tomorrow if he gets though the night. His husbandry is good. It's a zoomed xlarge 4 feet one. I use calcium without d3 every feeding but not bsfl of course. An twice a month with vitamins but tomorrow will be His first dose with me. Its repashy brands i don't use zoomed because of something that's in it. An Arcadia brands need like 5 different supplements. I use the mistking at night an before lights come on an before they go off. An few times during the night. I also run a few humidifiers at night get humidity into 70-80% range isn't a easy task. I use live plants pothos an palms for live plants. An real branches for climbing. So thinking with my other chams doing very well. Thinking this was breeders fault an not going post where I got him. In case they use this site. Just looking see if there's anything I can do until vet gives there opinion on his recovery if there is one. Not seeing any issues when lights are on with RI. Usually keep there nose pointed up but not seeing that. Mostly near heating lamp an thats dimmed to 85f for basking. I can post more photos tomorrow of him. Going call see if they will see him earlier tomorrow. An offer crickets with calcium plus repashy. But thinking he's to small for treatment an vet visit be a waste of time. Unless he can get in very soon. Also has one eye bigger then the other. An keeps smaller one closed unless you draw his attention he opens it. I can go over his husbandry but I'll add using a Arcadia 6% t5 across the top. Always stuck to basics with my panthers an never had a problem. Just hope he can stay strong. But he's gotten weaker an tonight signs got worse quickly. If it is a eye an lung infection. Thinking it spread an breeder had to notice this before shipping. An that's really got me aggravated.


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Hey there welcome to the forum. Sorry it is under this circumstances. I doubt he will make it to next weeks vet appointment.. This is a respiratory infection and they decline quickly when they get to this stage. The faster treatment is started the better the outcome.
Thank you! I called them an there booked even with issue at hand. Figured it was respiratory with mouth opening an sound he was making. Don't know what to do after that phone call.
Thank you! I called them an there booked even with issue at hand. Figured it was respiratory with mouth opening an sound he was making. Don't know what to do after that phone call.
Ask if they have emergency appointments. All of the vets I have gone to do but they charge more for it.
Where do you live?
Is the cage right nest to the window?
Do the humidifiers just humidify the room or spray on the cage?
Whats the cage temperature at night?
Does he have stringy saliva and lots of it?
With only one eye bothering him, there’s something going on that’s causing him to shut it…could be tied in with the gasping or could have been an injury.
Where do you live?
Is the cage right nest to the window?
Do the humidifiers just humidify the room or spray on the cage?
Whats the cage temperature at night?
Does he have stringy saliva and lots of it?
With only one eye bothering him, there’s something going on that’s causing him to shut it…could be tied in with the gasping or could have been an injury.
It's near a window.
Just humidify the room in area where cages are.
Temps been 65f always heard overnight heating with fog isn't wise.
Haven't noticed any saliva but normal moist near the gums.
Currently is keeping one eye closed but if I tap the cage he will open it.
Two days ago noticed his teeth were out of place. Like he had cham dentures. Maybe happen during transit or when heat pack failed. Came a day an half to late. So 2 an half days in shipping box. This is him now just took photo


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I live in Ontario…and I find that if the cages are near the window at night in cold weather, the chameleons can develop health issues. Even if the windows are sealed well, its colder there and “drafty” enough to lead to problems.

I always had a humidifier on my furnace but not in the actual room the chameleons were in. I don't recall ever having respiratory infections develop (I did have a couple of WC chameleons that came in with respiratory infections due to shipping and being held at the airport in a cold room, etc)

Is it the right eye that he keeps shutting? I see a small irregularity on his lower jaw on the left side of his face in the last photo you included. Can you post a couple more photos of that side of his face and see if you can see in the mouth along that side near the teeth?
It's the left eye that keeps closing. I took a few more photos. But hes been opening his mouth making a hiss sound. An been doing that regularly this evening. With estimate emergency vet cost will be 550 an I can't afford that. An they won't do payment plans. Wasn't expecting this currently. So I am out of options.
I live in Ontario…and I find that if the cages are near the window at night in cold weather, the chameleons can develop health issues. Even if the windows are sealed well, its colder there and “drafty” enough to lead to problems.

I always had a humidifier on my furnace but not in the actual room the chameleons were in. I don't recall ever having respiratory infections develop (I did have a couple of WC chameleons that came in with respiratory infections due to shipping and being held at the airport in a cold room, etc)

Is it the right eye that he keeps shutting? I see a small irregularity on his lower jaw on the left side of his face in the last photo you included. Can you post a couple more photos of that side of his face and see if you can see in the mouth along that side near the teeth?


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It's the left eye that keeps closing. I took a few more photos. But hes been opening his mouth making a hiss sound. An been doing that regularly this evening. With estimate emergency vet cost will be 550 an I can't afford that. An they won't do payment plans. Wasn't expecting this currently. So I am out of options.
There is something definitely going on with that jaw/gumline... Have you tried to get care credit? It is a credit card that has no interest payment options that you can use at most vets. I have one for emergencies for my animals. You can go to to apply.
I hope this comment doesn’t get too much criticism, but call any vet in your area, see if they have an emergency veterinarian who sees any reptiles. Say it’s urgent and you have a chameleon who is on his deathbed. You’ll want a medication like Baytril - see if you can talk to the vet and explain your situation. This chameleon only has a chance if he gets seen asap :(
I hope this comment doesn’t get too much criticism, but call any vet in your area, see if they have an emergency veterinarian who sees any reptiles. Say it’s urgent and you have a chameleon who is on his deathbed. You’ll want a medication like Baytril - see if you can talk to the vet and explain your situation. This chameleon only has a chance if he gets seen asap :(
I called the emergency vet an they told me cost an was 550. I have care credit but used that towards my dogs hip surgery a few weeks ago. There's nothing I can do for this little guy. Criticism is criticism but am a honest person. Vet i usually go to. Hasn't even responded with email I sent last night. This situation I noticed Tuesday night something was wrong with him. An got worse in a day. Currently just basking an hasn't eat any feeders. So either way don't think he'll live once lights go off.
I called the emergency vet an they told me cost an was 550. I have care credit but used that towards my dogs hip surgery a few weeks ago. There's nothing I can do for this little guy. Criticism is criticism but am a honest person. Vet i usually go to. Hasn't even responded with email I sent last night. This situation I noticed Tuesday night something was wrong with him. An got worse in a day. Currently just basking an hasn't eat any feeders. So either way don't think he'll live once lights go off.
I’m sorry you’re in that situation. However, I t’s completely inhumane to just let him suffer and die, which he most certainly will. He is likely at the pneumonia stage that comes at the latter end of an RI (or at least from what I’ve learned). Post him on the chameleon classifieds here on the forums, there’s also some chameleon rehoming Facebook pages you should post him on. See if you can send him back to the breeder. I get you cannot afford a vet bill, but this should be an indication that a chameleon may not be the best pet for you. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear 🤷🏻‍♂️
Welcome. I am so sorry you are in this situation. You cham looks dehydrated as well. Do you wear contacts? If so, have you ever had an eye infection? The reason i ask is because ciprofloxan eye drops will help an RI. Cipro is used for respitoiry infections and the eye drops are mixed with saline and is measurable. You will need a syringe without a needle, squirt the drops into the cap then draw up 0.2cc and when he opens his mouth, squirt it in the back of the throat. Give 3x a day till you get him to a vet then switch to Baytril. The reason why you cant use human antibiotics on chams is because there is no way to make it weak enough for their systems. But in a pinch, it is the only thing that i know of. If you dont have any get on the phone and call everyone you know. It is prescription only. Antibiotic eye drops for eye infection. The only one i have used and cured two ri with is ciprofloxan. i have never used any other kind. Also stop the night mistking and let him warm up in the morning before.misting the cage. As a matter of fact you should switch to hand misting if possible and dont hit him directly till hes better. If you cant move him away from that window, get a vinly tablecloth or shower curtain and some tape. Cut it to size and tape to outside of panel next to window and back panel. also you can try giving him water the same way you give him meds. this is not a fix, its a bandaid until you can get him to a vet. I hope you find some or have some on hand. Best of luck to you. Shipping during the winter is never a good idea. Too many things can go wrong. Your breeder should have a refund/replacement policy too. First issue is to save this guys life!
I came here for help! But can see that isn't going happen. Give eye drops to a cham? Is that like the lethal injection for a cham? As I said previously I am done with this situation. If he overcomes or dies that is in God's hands!
I came here for help! But can see that isn't going happen. Give eye drops to a cham? Is that like the lethal injection for a cham? As I said previously I am done with this situation. If he overcomes or dies that is in God's hands!
You came here for help, got some solid advice and you don’t want to follow it. Surrender the animal, you clearly can’t care for it properly.
You came here for help, got some solid advice and you don’t want to follow it. Surrender the animal, you clearly can’t care for it properly.
This comment was uncalled for and not how we help people here in the forum. Please remember that we use kindness not insults. Or simply if you can not say something nice then don't say it at all.

If you were in a bad situation like the OP is you would not want to be told something like this. Just because your situation financially may be different does not make it ok for you to say something like this.

Comments like this make people leave not stay. And that is not how the forum is set up to work.
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