Gave my Dubia multigrain Cherrios for a treat


New Member
My dubias loved them and it was gone within an hour. I know they have some sugar but its multigrain and I had extra. Does anyone think it can be used to mix with normal gut load.
I used to use cereal as a gutload sometimes but the truth is its crap. You should use cricket foods, greens, fruits, etc. Its much more of a natural gutload then cereal.
I am not going to tell you it is ok...BUT the place where I get my crickets here in Florida told me to feed my crickets Cheerios! After all, they are loaded with vitamins. I did for quite some time(until the forum said don't) along with fresh veggies and fruits and you are right they loved them just like the roaches. I got some feedback on here that it was not good to feed the crickets that but who is to really say???????????????? My cham was always happy and healthy when I was feeding crickets. He hates them now.
I feel as a small part of a good gutload it is ok. I don't do that personally but them I am very picky what my feeders eat.
I was wondering the same thing. I threw some shredded mini wheats in my cricket and dubia bins because there was only a little in the box and it was getting stale.

On one hand it's less natural and less of a "whole" food and more calorie dense.

On the other hand, there are vitamins added.

Maybe it depends on if your chameleon has a weight issue or not???
Ive used a little Total Cereal a cpl of times when I ran out of other gut load items and was not able to get to the store that day. I think its ok every now and then. I just wouldnt make a habit of it.
Out of 'curiousity',.. why would it not be good to feed cereal as a gutload on a regular basis? Any and all opinions please,...
Out of 'curiousity',.. why would it not be good to feed cereal as a gutload on a regular basis? Any and all opinions please,...

It is just fortified grains with the same constant levels of synthetic vitamins and minerals. When you gutload with fruits and veggies full of their own natural minerals, vitamins & phytochemicals and provide a good mix of them it would become leaps and bounds healthier through the variety then the static nutritional value of cereal.
It is just fortified grains with the same constant levels of synthetic vitamins and minerals. When you gutload with fruits and veggies full of their own natural minerals, vitamins & phytochemicals and provide a good mix of them it would become leaps and bounds healthier through the variety then the static nutritional value of cereal.

WOW!!:eek:Good answer!!

I would have just said sugar.;)
Ive used a little Total Cereal a cpl of times when I ran out of other gut load items and was not able to get to the store that day. I think its ok every now and then. I just wouldnt make a habit of it.

I've done the same thing lol

Though veggies and fruits are way better, in a pinch or as a treat I think cereal is ok.
Well I have to admit, I use cereal as a COMPONENT of my cricket feed. I'll probably get chastised for it but I admit it. I said, 'COMPONENT', meaning it's not the only thing my feeders get. The bulk of my feed consists of: Ground oatmeal, ground Total or 100% bran flakes, Gerber rice ceareal flakes, tropical fish food flakes, crushed dry kitten food and cornmeal. That is listed more or less in order by the quantity. In addition to this 'bulk' diet the feeders recieve at least 2 of the following: romaine hearts, mustard greens, kale, baby carrots, sliced apple and orange. Now, pick up a little 13 oz. $6 bottle of Fl#!ers High Calcium cricket feed and read the list of ingredients. It's corn based. Fish meal. Soy. I think your basicly paying for a brand. With this being said, I've had healthy chameleons that displayed beautiful color and bred MANY times. I feel like something had to be getting done at some level of acceptance. Does it make me an expert?,.. No. All I can say is I've been successful at breeding 3 species which is barely scratching the surface of what others have done. I had one male Veiled last 5 years. O.K., now nail me to the cross...
Well I have to admit, I use cereal as a COMPONENT of my cricket feed. I'll probably get chastised for it but I admit it. I said, 'COMPONENT', meaning it's not the only thing my feeders get. The bulk of my feed consists of: Ground oatmeal, ground Total or 100% bran flakes, Gerber rice ceareal flakes, tropical fish food flakes, crushed dry kitten food and cornmeal. That is listed more or less in order by the quantity. In addition to this 'bulk' diet the feeders recieve at least 2 of the following: romaine hearts, mustard greens, kale, baby carrots, sliced apple and orange. Now, pick up a little 13 oz. $6 bottle of Fl#!ers High Calcium cricket feed and read the list of ingredients. It's corn based. Fish meal. Soy. I think your basicly paying for a brand. With this being said, I've had healthy chameleons that displayed beautiful color and bred MANY times. I feel like something had to be getting done at some level of acceptance. Does it make me an expert?,.. No. All I can say is I've been successful at breeding 3 species which is barely scratching the surface of what others have done. I had one male Veiled last 5 years. O.K., now nail me to the cross...

Oh My God! How dare you feed yout chameleon's bugs with things that you would eat yourself! Total???!!! That's garbage!!! was that?
Some organic cereals are fine, stuff you would definately consider very healthy for you. I use that ground up with other healthy dry things as part of my dry gutload/bedding. And then of course, veggies and fruit.

As a side note, for anyone who REALLY wants to see their roaches excited over food, put in a couple mangoes! I've never seen ALL of them fight with each other to get to the fruit. Not a great gutloading fruit for every day, but once in a while it's a good treat for the roachies.
I've found that my dubias absolutely love apples, in just one night my colony ate 4 apples and just left the skin, i was impressed! My colony is only about 100 adults and 200 nymphs
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