Gave my veiled a pinky mouse


New Member
I gave my male veiled a pinky mouse he is now about 13-14 months old. Is this bad? I read they are good for them once in a blue moon?
I give my male one maybe 2 times a year or so. My sister works at a pet store and if they have extra pinkies that came in she gives them to me. I gave him 2 once, and I won't do that again...he ended up compacted and didn't go to the bathroom for a 3-4 days. I have tried to get my female to eat a teeny-tiny-one after laying eggs, but she wants nothing to do with them. Just make sure you are feeding ones that come from a reputable place, otherwise they could be loaded with parasites.
i feed pinkies couple times a month to my mellers and veileds nobody else likes them i use house geckos to i think that the bigger species eat alot more than just insects in the wild im just careful to not overdue it
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