general feeding question


New Member
im new to the chameleon world.

okay, so i have been researching my butt off about these guys. my goal is to save up and get one eventually. i have been in love with them and facinated for a long time now. but one thing i dont understand is ... how do you feed them? this question is as simple as it gets. do you just toss a few feeders in the enclosure? or put em in a cup?
i hope someone can shed some light on this! thanks!
im new to the chameleon world.

okay, so i have been researching my butt off about these guys. my goal is to save up and get one eventually. i have been in love with them and facinated for a long time now. but one thing i dont understand is ... how do you feed them? this question is as simple as it gets. do you just toss a few feeders in the enclosure? or put em in a cup?
i hope someone can shed some light on this! thanks!

You can do it either way

Cup feed using a cup or free range the feeders thats when you through them in. It is up to you.

I prefer to free range food , but I use a cup on cages that the screen is to big to hold in the feeders.
Free range is the best way as it will promote their hunting techniques as well as keeping the muscles in their tongues in shape.
But, as Ryan stated, if the screen cage is large and it allows the prey to escape, then cup feeding is recommended.
I do both :) In the mornings whenever offering roaches or crickets I use a bowl or cup (there's two in each enclosure usually, so I put some prey in each). This is because I cant stick around to watch and ensure the prey is eaten, and my cages are such that the crickets and roaches could easily escape into the house (yuk!). This also gives me the opportunity to put a little food for the bug in the bowl, so that the bug stays nutritious and it makes for easy clean-up of what isnt eaten.

I tend to put things like butterworms, silkworms, king/superworms on a vine or branch.

In the afternoons or weekends, I typically free-range the prey because I am there to ensure it gets eaten. I remove it if the chameleon is not hungry.
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