Getting a chameleon to eat from a feeder bowl

Waldo ate from his feeder bowl today!!! I tried out a new feeder bowl that was clear rather than the solid colors and he went right to it and started eating from it. I guess he was just scared of the bright colors :rolleyes:.
Yup, clear is the way to go. Also if your cham is half/full grown and has a large cage, you'll want to elevate the cup.
yea i started a few weeks ago with a clear bowl and it works for my cham, its fun when she looks through the sides and moves her head side to side as the crickets move around, then she just climbs onto the rim to eat them !! :D
Feeder Cups

Cricks in the deep one ,Worms in the shallow one ,little bit of screen glued to the back of the feeder cup for the insects to climb up and present themselves ,he sees them he eats them.


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Here is a video on what i use for feeding cups. A member on here made me 2 of them and this is what i do.....

Hi, I know this post was a long time ago, but I am having the same problem and wanted to view your video, but could not find it. Please repost or send a message to me thanks :)
Another thing to remember is that Chameleon are 'stimulated' to eat by the 'sudden appearance' of a prey item.

It's like a hungry lion is stimulated to chase a gazelle after seeing one run by.

So, do not leave the cup with the moving food in the enclosure too long. To your chameleon, the cup with the food will just become part of it's envirmonet and will quickly learn to ignore it. Leave the food cup with the prey in there no longer than an hour or two, then take it out and try again later.

The sudden appearance of the roach, cricket, superworm, etc is what stimulates 'an attack' from a chameleon in the wild, and can work the same in captivity.
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