Getting as angry Cham out of his cage???

I do the same! The good ole Australian Steve Irwin (RIP) voice (It's aiight mate, I ain't gonna hurt ya!) always helps my female when getting her out of the cage....My male on the other hand shows absolutely no signs of aggression when I try and get him out he's just a master of slipping out of my fingers at the last second, still working on that. They are spoiled rotten with their hibiscus trees i swear! LOL :p The videos posted are great though! Try using those techniques, and when in doubt, use gloves, I've been bitten by my previous 1 yr old male and boy did it hurt!!!!!
I'm gonna have to try these tricks with my veiled I think. The last few times I've got him out on a branch he's *run* up my arm and started hissing in my ear, mega angry (me, being a wussy girl freaks a bit and, as I always seem to be wearing my bath robe, end up taking it off with him on it and squealing).

Today, he's done exactly that again, but we've put him on his plant, but he's run and is now sitting behind a radiator.
We've seen him appear once but he was proper black.

Bloody animals! I'm now freaking out a bit as i don't want him so stressed out. Are there any calm-eze tablets for chams? Lol
I have 2 chams that's about 5&4 months old ,I try and take them out at least twice a day at first they would hiss and male would try and bite me ,it's been 3 mths so they getting use to it and after they get out sometimes they don't want to go back in ,patience lol
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