Getting feeders all from one place?

Mr Wilson

New Member
Does anyone know of a feeder supplier that supplies crickets AND various types of worms? We are getting ready to order more crickets and silk worms but would really like to buy them all from one place so that we are only paying one shipping fee.

Thanks in advance!!
Mulberry Farms sells both. They are one of our site sponsors.

They aren't selling crickets right now according to the website. Apparently they had issues with them. We've also noticed they tend to never have anything in stock. We have plenty of phoenix worms right now, just need crickets and silkies. I've ordered from Ghann's before. Just never checked what else they had, so thanks!!
I think Ghann's is great, you get healthy product when they say you will, at an excellent price, what more can we ask?:)
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