I'm attaching some pictures and I'd appreciate some constructive criticism and any improvement or changes I can do. For the outer shell I used a ReptiMed 18x18x36. I covered the three side panels with 1/4in cardboard foam and covered it up with some GreatStuff Foam. I did add two wall pots so I can add more plants. The current plants in the pots are Pothos and Polka Dot. I covered the foam with some silicone and added some coco fiber on the back wall panel. The lights that I'm using are an Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED bar, Arcadia ProT5 UVB 6% Bulb With Hood, and the heat bulb is a 60W Exo Terra Daylight Heat bulb. I did add a lamp mount so the heat dome doesn't rest on the screen. It's not 100% finished since I still need to add the misting system. I've been misting and watering by hand until I get that in. I'm testing out different misting time and how it changes humidity and temp. As of now the max temp I've been getting from 8in from the top screen (basking branch) is 86F. The ambient temp in the middle of the enclosure ranges from 71F-83F. At night the temp has dipped to minimun 70F. A problem that I seem to be having is keeping humidity levels up above 30% by 2pm and then around 1am it goes down to 28%. Any suggestion on how to keep humidity level up and do you think i should have a bigger temp dip at night?