giant spiny not eating


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Giant spiny chameleon, male, about one year I have had him since 8/27
Handling - Only to put in enclosure
Feeding - Feeding 15 crickets daily? Gut loading with fruit,veggies,cricket crack.
Supplements - Repashy
Watering - Auto mister every 2 hours for 120 seconds
Fecal Description - Brown with white
History - wild caught bought from reptile show, reputable breeder

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2x2x4 screen cage
Lighting - Zoomed 5.0 12 hours daily
Temperature - 89.5 basking 75 cage 60 night digital temp gauge
Humidity - 50-70 using digital gauge
Plants - Ficus benjamina and pothos
Placement - In spare room top of cage at 7' not near window or vent
Location - California
Current Problem - I have had my cham for about a week and a half. He ate the first day I had him and has stopped eating all together. He looks at the crickets and just ignores them?
I had a wild-caught male Furcifer verrucosus years ago who refused to eat anything but anoles and house geckos. It's definitely not an ideal option but probably better than starving to death.
Try flying insects like bluebottle flies and dull colored moths. The flies are nice because they cluster at the lights and attract the cham's attention. They are also a familiar "insect food" from life in the wild.
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