Girls with Horns


New Member
Each of these females are unique in appearance & personality. I am privileged to be raising them. Its usually the males that get all the attention so I thought I would give some recognition to the girls today. 'Red' got an extra pic so 1 & 4 are the same cham.


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Gorgeous! Wonder if they have or use their horns like males for territorial disputes or if they serve no purpose.
Can't wait for my female to pop out her babies:)
I was at my local store last night where i bought my vieled cham and they had about a half dozen jacksons chams for sale, both male and females, but the store owner couldnt tell me anything more than that they were jacksons, wild caught from florida. the males were about 4 inches long with three horns while the supposed females were a little longer and only had a small horn or stub on thier noses. with that info can you tell me what type of jacksons they are?
I was at my local store last night where i bought my vieled cham and they had about a half dozen jacksons chams for sale, both male and females, but the store owner couldnt tell me anything more than that they were jacksons, wild caught from florida. the males were about 4 inches long with three horns while the supposed females were a little longer and only had a small horn or stub on thier noses. with that info can you tell me what type of jacksons they are?

If they are WC from Florida they are most likely j.xanthopolis. Those females have no horns or a stub. Another possibility is j.merumontis. They are small & the females have one horn. If you had a pic it would be easy to tell.
Great looking girls Joe! I recently took the plunge into Triceros keeping with a pair of Deremensis. I can't wait for the boy to develop his horns. They are just dots now. I may hit you up for advice down the road as you are obviously experienced with similar care and housing.
gorgeous chams. I also have a question... my thought to be male, has never showed alot of green at all, and has shown more red quite often. Also has been showing some beheavior i believe to be female. I have thought at times there was a problem with him/her because of lack of horn length and lack of brighter colors. I was also told it was a xanth from the guy at the petstore, but if it is a female, it would be a jacksonii jacksonii correct? its also approx 7/8 months old
Great looking girls Joe! I recently took the plunge into Triceros keeping with a pair of Deremensis. I can't wait for the boy to develop his horns. They are just dots now. I may hit you up for advice down the road as you are obviously experienced with similar care and housing.

Hey thanks! Hit me up anytime. If there's anything I can do to help it would be my pleasure.
gorgeous chams. I also have a question... my thought to be male, has never showed alot of green at all, and has shown more red quite often. Also has been showing some beheavior i believe to be female. I have thought at times there was a problem with him/her because of lack of horn length and lack of brighter colors. I was also told it was a xanth from the guy at the petstore, but if it is a female, it would be a jacksonii jacksonii correct? its also approx 7/8 months old

You could be right. A female jacksonni could very well fool a pet store owner with no cham experience into thinking it was a young xanth male. Best thing to be sure is post some pics with a size referance & we can see more clearly what you have.
Nice JJ's. Some of the nicest I've seen. I have a male and wish I had a female like one of those.

Thanks AJ, I might be able to get you one down the road if all goes well with 'Red'. She became gravid last month. In the mean time, I'll keep my eyes open for you
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