Glass repair/replacment in exo terra terrarium.


New Member
So guys I am a dumb A$$ I was moving my glass terrarium and apparently when I sat it down i didnt see a small rock on the table which cause the bottom of my terrarium to crack right down the middle.

Does anyone have any experience in replacing glass pains in terrariums/aquariums?

I live in the Phoenix Metro area and if someone knows of a cheap place too get glass that would be awesome.



All I know is that replacing glass panes are a HUGE hassle and can barely be done right. I would suggest to just buy a tube of silicone ($3) at just coat the bottom about 1/8" or 1/4" thick, then let it dry for a couple days. If it's just used for reptiles & such....and doesn't need to hold really don't need to fix it. Of course this is all just my opinion.
Take it to any professional glass cutter/fitter. I cant recommend one in your area, but there are two around my area and I live near only a SMALL city.

I've "fixed" many a piece of cracked tank glass with aqaurium safe silicon. Its also what I use to make tanks - for all the seams. So if the crack in the bottom is a fairly even break, rather than a shatter, the silicon will be your least expensive repair.
the break

the break is a clean straight line break. right now I have tape on the bottom just to keep it from totally breaking lose. I am using it for a white's tree frog and what sucks the most is that i just planted it. For now it isnt going to hold water so I'll probably do the aquarium safe silicon.

Thanks for the tips!

Sandra, if you do know of some local glass shops in the Phoenix/Tempe AZ area that would be great for I am kind of new to the area (originally from VA)

Too many shady people in Phoenix/Tempe, to be honest. They'll try to overcharge you. Do some research first, save yourself some money. Make sure you're getting a good deal. Parents had some really crappy glass work done and the glass wasn't that great and it ended up shattering from some wind.
hey mango, depending on the type and brand of your enclsoure, you may be able to order replacement peices if its something like the visionariums that have sliding glass doors.

OR if its like a terrarium that is connected with waterproof silicone then you may be up S Creek without a paddle.

now if your housing something like frogs? then what you could probably do as a short term fix. get waterproof/odorless water proof aquarium silicone, apply to the cracks, using a razor blade/very fine flat surface apply to the area. this should help seal the crack temporarly till you can get a new enclosure. i havnt' seen how the exo terras go together *never needed one*.. but if your able to completly remove the bottom. it might be possible to remove the damaged peice, go to ace hardware or a glass place, have them cut it to match. take it home , insert seal with aquarium grade silicone.

if you using something like a false bottom.. with the charcoal based absorbent rocks. then sillicone both the outside/inside. make sure the glass is clean, let sit and dry.

you can contact visionarium about replacemnt sliding peices of glass, but they are not cheap and neither is shipping.
Good thinking - perhaps the whole bottom glass piece can be removed (razor knife) and replaced with plexiglass or glass (seal seems with silicon)

I have three white's tree frogs. Such a nice, simple frog. They like to eat, eh? ;) Pictures of my frogs are in my album here.
the exo terra are sealed in the plastic meaning if he tries to remove the bottom piece he has to break the cage
so yah, your best option would be to use a water safe silicone to seal the entire bottom. spread it thinly across the bottom like a nice safety layer.. its just the bottom so it doesn't need to be pretty
So guys I am a dumb A$$ I was moving my glass terrarium and apparently when I sat it down i didnt see a small rock on the table which cause the bottom of my terrarium to crack right down the middle.

Does anyone have any experience in replacing glass pains in terrariums/aquariums?

I live in the Phoenix Metro area and if someone knows of a cheap place too get glass that would be awesome.




if it just cracked down the middle i would have a piece of 1/8" plexi or acrylic cut to size and just silicon it in on top of the piece. once it sets you shold not have any further problems

i already replaced a side piece approx 24 x 18, its a hassle. but not the end of the world, the glass was $25 to cut, just make sure you use a marine sealant, anything else is toxic
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