Gnats >.<


New Member
My enclosure is breeding gnats.
Damn it all.
I had the same problem a few weeks ago, so I cleaned out everything, replaced the substrate completely and scrubbed the tank. I replaced forest moss and topsoil with new moss from a different company and baked (to remove bacteria fungus etc) topsoil. They have several plants in there - two purple passions, a zebra plant, a croton plant, and an umbrella plant. I just recently doubled the vertical size of their enclosure to give them a total of 40 gallons. They don't seem to mind the gnats... but I do.
It started with just a couple in there after I cleaned everything, and the people at the pet store said they would probably dissipate after a few days, but they did not. This morning I noticed a sudden exponential increase in gnats... I killed a few, but not enough. There are too many, and with the added vertical hight, I can't reach the bottom to find where they are. A reptile safe insecticide would thrill me.
Does anyone know if one exists?
I don't know if one exists or not, but I would love to know how to get rid of just 1 annoying gnat. My chameleon doesn't mind at all, but it bothers me sooo much! It stays in the cage until I'm working on my computer or writing on a paper and then it flies around whatever I am working on. I wish Kamish would just eat it already! lol
Sounds like they are in the the plants!
No matter how often you clean the main substrate out if the eggs are in the plants soil they will come back i imagine.
Beneficial nemotodes
dry soil
two inches of rock covering soil

lots of options - use the search function, this question is asked and well answered many times previously so I am sure you will find good solutions exist
Beneficial nemotodes
dry soil
two inches of rock covering soil

lots of options - use the search function, this question is asked and well answered many times previously so I am sure you will find good solutions exist

Dry soil and rocks covering soil are not options with pygmy chameleon enclosures.
The gnats will not hurt the chameleons, but they can be annoying.
I have found that getting a good culture of springtails established in the enclosure solves the problem ... the springtails eat the eggs that the gnats lay in the soil .... within a week, you should have no more problem.

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