Go Vote!

Unfortunately you can't vote yet because you are a new member. Get some more trophy points and jump up to a member. Then you can vote.
Wait... its trophy points that set member? How many you need? Next Next month might enter a photo.
It don't take much to reach member status.... just post a cute pic of a chameleon and you will all set in about 1 hour slol
Chameleon comes when I finish enclosure lol! Which honestly will be once I sterilize branches and go nuts with craft wire to secure them. Then there will be personal Cham photos :)
I like the leaf tails, but honestly I know when I don't have the time for another pet. By the way..go Vote!

I have a trio of sikorae, and a bunch of their offspring. They really do have distinct personalities, and watching them hunt is a lot of fun. But, they remind me of cats when they're ready to pounce, so I'm not sure you'd like them, LOL.

Where's my "I voted" sticker?
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