good dog, BAD chameleon !

little leaf

Avid Member
Max was to say the least O R N E R Y today - I was trying to get some pics of his new shed ( full body too ? I thought that was just for the kids? - lol )
he kept getting off his log, going down the fence, tangling in the sweet peas, tried to eat a butterfly , and finally, decided to give Bud, our lab a good nose pinch :p the poor dog, he just sat there, you can even see the wrinkles on his skin -
Bud is a VERY good dog, and can be trusted around new born kittens, Max, on the other a stinker !


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Max is rotten!! How could he do that it Bud? I think Bud should move Max like he does new born kittens. That will get Max in line.:eek:
it was kinda funny, kinda sad for Bud - lol he did not know if he should move, or freeze - I was right there, but Bud is such a wimpy dog when it comes to things he knows he should be good with - the ferrets beat him up, but at night, he def/ is NOT the sweet guy you see- we have him to keep things out of the barn yard, some morning its hard to tell what it WAS that tried to get into the chickens - but Max got the best of him :p
Nice shots. I love Bud! He looks so sweet. Max is a little mess. :)

for some reason, both my panthers are little snots ! LOL all my Jax just go with the flow- but those boys :mad: they always want to be out , only to raise hell in the house - they get into EVERYTHING - I love how you have that little kitchen plant, but I would be chasing chams out of my cake mix - well, if I baked - LOL and Bud is the best :D

Poor bud... he just looks like he has no clue what to do lol:D
yes, that poor dog, he is so good with all the animals , and wont fight back at all , I have had to remove clamped on ferrets from his face - he is such a sweet guy :D
for some reason, both my panthers are little snots ! LOL all my Jax just go with the flow- but those boys :mad: they always want to be out , only to raise hell in the house - they get into EVERYTHING - I love how you have that little kitchen plant, but I would be chasing chams out of my cake mix - well, if I baked - LOL and Bud is the best :D

yes, that poor dog, he is so good with all the animals , and wont fight back at all , I have had to remove clamped on ferrets from his face - he is such a sweet guy :D

Wow thats a nice dog lol.... my girl friends dog was like that before he died wouldn't hurt a fly... but her other dog though she would eat anything in her way. She tried to eat her bird when she flew down stairs once had him I her mouth. Till I got a hold of her lol. But the bird was not harmed thank god. And no longer flys down stairs anymore when the dog is out lol.
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