little leaf
Avid Member
Max was to say the least O R N E R Y today - I was trying to get some pics of his new shed ( full body too ? I thought that was just for the kids? - lol )
he kept getting off his log, going down the fence, tangling in the sweet peas, tried to eat a butterfly , and finally, decided to give Bud, our lab a good nose pinch
the poor dog, he just sat there, you can even see the wrinkles on his skin -
Bud is a VERY good dog, and can be trusted around new born kittens, Max, on the other a stinker !
he kept getting off his log, going down the fence, tangling in the sweet peas, tried to eat a butterfly , and finally, decided to give Bud, our lab a good nose pinch
Bud is a VERY good dog, and can be trusted around new born kittens, Max, on the other a stinker !