Goodbye Gator


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hello all!

It pains me to write this. My Mali Uromastyx is gone. I've had him for almost 10 years, after being a fresh import. I am glad I was able to have him as a pet, and will always cherish my times with Gator, as he was one of my first reptiles. I am still in shock this happened, he was fine a week ago. Gonna miss you Gator, it's been a good ride.

I am so very sorry to hear this news Chase. You have my most sincere condolence. I know Gator will be very sadly missed. The hardest part about having a pet is for them to leave us. Know that you gave him many good years in your care.
So sorry to hear this sad news, but 10 years is a long time to build some great memories with your boy.....I know he will be missed so very much, my prayers are with you.
Thanks you two. It is getting better but it caught my parents and I off guard.

Chase, so sorry for your loss especially after being a part of your family for so long. I am sure he had 10 wonderful years with you.
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