goodbye im leaving for vacation!!!


Established Member
exactly as the title says. im leaving for vacation. 1st im going to san fran for 3 days and then im going to fly over to austin texas for 2 days. peace.
well im back now and to be honest... IM FREAKING PISSEd oFF. i left my parents friend's son-18 and daughter-14 to take care of my house. the daughter kept care of my animals the 1st time and i had no problems. her brother on the other hand, is stupid as a stump. all my animals are recouping and are ok. but my sis' whites treefrogs were extremely unhealthy. they are eating and they are now swimming in the water bowl. other than that my vacation was fun as h311.
poor animals, I hate worrying about leaving my babies in others hands. At least their doing better.
mine are no animals. they are little people. lol btw they took an hour long heat up and soak. and are snug as a bug. p.s. does anyone know how to get a whites tree frog to get its eyes less cloudy.
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