Goodbye my sweet girl R.I.P. "M.J."

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Ryan. You could see just by her pictures what a sweet natured little girl she was.

May she rest in eternal peace on the big ficus tree in the next world. And may all her eggs develop healthy little chams. Her legacy will live on.
So sorry you are going through this sad time. I'm amazed at how these little precious beings can quickly become so integral to your life. I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to our Charlie.

I hope her babies give you some comfort.

Take care

Claire and Chris
Terrible news! I lost one almost exactly the same way a while ago. She never really ate anything after laying except through a syringe and just as soon as she started to look better, I found her lifeless on the floor the next day. I know the pain, but at least her legacy will live on.

Sorry to be so late with my condolences ... I have a hard time with news like this.
It's part of the game, I guess, and the more you have the more often it's going to happen to you ... the alternative, however, (not keeping them) is not desirable either.
It sucks.

Sorry to hear that Ryan. I kinda know how you feel, my guy hasn't been doing so well as of late either. I think his age is catching up with him....almost 7 now (July). It's gonna be a tough loss, but thats life I guess. I have a feeling he's on his way out. If he's still here in July, I wanna throw a birthday party for him at the meeting. ( yes, I realize he couldn't give a #*&% about a party, as he's a chameleon, it's just a reason to have some food and festivities).
Howdy Ryan,

Sorry for your loss :(. It certainly seems to "come with the territory" of chameleon keeping though. Even still, we never seem to get used to loosing them and it's especially true when they are still so young.
So sorry to hear you lost one of your girls. She was a nice looking girl. Glad to hear you do have eggs from her.
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