Goodbye to Dirk


Sorry. It is never easy to loose one, maybe just blessed
that we were able to have them for what ever time we are given. We all know that you are a wonderful chameleon mom and that what ever his demise, it was not a reflection of your fine care.
Oh Laurie, I am so heartbroken to hear about Dirk. All I can say is that it just never gets easier. Actually it seems to hurt more as we age - knowing how precious life is but unable to hold onto it for the creatures in our care. Be gentle with yourself. Life is hard enough without you beating yourself up over things we may never know or understand. RIP Dirk.

Sorry. It is never easy to loose one, maybe just blessed
that we were able to have them for what ever time we are given. We all know that you are a wonderful chameleon mom and that what ever his demise, it was not a reflection of your fine care.

Thank you, I do hope it was not anything in my care that caused his death.
Oh Laurie, I am so heartbroken to hear about Dirk. All I can say is that it just never gets easier. Actually it seems to hurt more as we age - knowing how precious life is but unable to hold onto it for the creatures in our care. Be gentle with yourself. Life is hard enough without you beating yourself up over things we may never know or understand. RIP Dirk.


Deb you seem to know just how I feel! It does not get easier and people tell me it will, but it never works for me. Maybe part of it is me getting older. I do seem to always beat myself up, thinking that I missed something they needed.thanks for understanding.
Thanks Jeremy, you know how personal I take the loss of a Cham. I always wonder if it was me. I felt that way even when I lost Arnold at 8 Years old.
Laurie, I just saw this. :( I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Keep dreaming, your dream will come true. I think you might be half way there, just have to wait for these babies to grow up.
Laurie, I have complete faith in your abilities to get this species going. If it were easy quads would be like veileds, everywhere and bred by anyone! But they need a skilled hand and I think you're the perfect person to do it. You've just had a lot of bad luck lately, but I definitely don't think it's an impossible or an unrealistic dream.

You know how many Meller's I've gone through before getting these 3! And they could all get sick and die tomorrow (knock on wood that they don't) but I would just try all over again. If these species are bred by people who aren't passionate they're never going to get anywhere. And not only are we passionate, but we're also smart and very capable ladies! So I'm certain that you're going be [even more!] successful sooner rather than later. Don't get down on yourself!
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