Goodbyes to Rex...


New Member
Were so sick of waiting for the ground to unfreeze. Those who have followed my threads know Rex & his story. Justice will be served. We have had him preserved and today we say our final goodbyes. We are taking him to the ocean and putting him near the best view ever. I will miss him dearly but so glad I can finally put him to rest. Thank you to everyone who were involved. Rest easy Rex, a tear will always fall for you and nothing will replace you in my heart.
Thanks, after thinking I was okay since some time passed I just bawled when we did it. We can go visit him whenever, it's was good closure !! Ill miss him so much !
I'm just glad he got out of that abusive owners hands and into our hearts. We coushined his untimely death by trying to rescue him and showing him unconditonal love.
Rex will never be forgotten, happy he is in his final resting spot, it sounds heart goes out to you Tiffany and another tear for Rex...RIP Rex.
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