Got a beetle!


I remember posting a question about if Chameleon can eat the beetles that superworms turn into.
I recall a few people saying they have never had superworms pupate.
Well! The original pupa i saw got cannibalized. This is probably why a lot of you haven't seen any turn. Well my Chameleon enclosure has a few spots to hide and one must have found a secluded spot to turn.

Managed to get a pic before Phil has a chance to eat it. He's been stalking around the cage.


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I have those things pupating all the time. I never added them on purpose to my soil, I’m guessing my chameleon has dropped a few while eating. Anyhow, it’s great for my bioactive soil, and my chameleon must occasionally eat them. Between all the giant horn worm moths, super worms, and black soldier flies I just see it as a healthy ecosystem, good mental stimulation, and most off all, free food.
Yeah. I have a discoid that's huge somewhere in the soil under the bark. I see it when I'm changing plants out or "cleaning" out the cage. I see it sometimes. I have a tree trunk in there with a really nice branch hanging off but it's kind of hollowish and they get away from time to time. Hornworms don't survive. I bet he'd love a moth.
Oops think I somehow responded in the wrong place.
Uhm thanks for the "advice"
I have live plants at the bottom and it helps with my humidity.
It's orchid soil so it's not big bark pieces.
Phillip also doesn't eat shit from the bottom of the cage so I don't have a lot to worry about.
Thanks for the interjection. If I have questions on cage setup I'll be sure to post about it and you'll be the first one I ask.
No need to get all passive aggressive. You said bark, now it's soil? We see people here all the time lining their cages with reptibark without any real substrate, so I figured I'd throw that in before you're on here screaming help my chameleon is dying. Would be curious to see your set up since you seem to know so much? Here's mine. Humidity and plants are perfectly fine without layers of bark in my cage, and I even have jeweled orchids in there :)


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That bag of Reptibark came with my new python enclosure. I don't even use it for her. Scratches up her belly scales and leaves it red. I thought chameleons needed open air flow? But yeah the orchid potting mix had some bark mixed in it. There's also fine coconut substrate on the top to help with water retention and those reptile ball things on the very bottom layer. I guess it's a bit chippy. I can throw more soil over it if it's really that big of a concern.
Your terrarium layout is gorgeous btw.
I was advised against an acrylic cage so I'm kind of jealous. I have to do a lot to keep up the humidity. Luckily I live in Florida. I have no clue how people in arrid areas are able to maintain their humidity levels.
Yeah I was a bit snippy. Sorry. There was another post where someone got really short with me when I was new. And then when I asked about the pupa someone was like "I've had superworms for mooonths and never saw a pupa or beetle." And I felt kind of stupid when it vanished. Like "ah man."
Well I accidentally ordered 1000 superworms instead of 100 and still have a bunch o.o.(like I've put them in my bird feeder because I've had them a while now) I've learned a lot about these weird little bugs. I also think the people at Publix think I'm weird about oatmeal or something.

So now I'm genuinely asking you about cages since you decided to put in your two cents. (Uh oh.) :)
A) your take on the acrylic/glass vs wire cage and concerns of respiratory problems?
B) so should I put a layer of soil on top of the fine bark chips that have kinda ended up on top as the other finer soil has kinda shifted to the bottom ?
On top of it someone dmed me and really made me feel shitty about buying my Chameleon because he was sick. So my defense mode was up. I definitely understand their points, don't reward bad pet stores for bad husbandry... But a lot of good came for him and his brothers and sisters.
A) it allowed me to advocate for the breeder the pet store bought from to be investigated by the proper authorities.
B) when I knew what was wrong with Phillip, I kind of confronted the pet store. They paid for my vet bill and offered me a spot as a consultant, kind of. I also go to school for biology/hepetology and they had recently moved his Bros and sisters to the quarantine room. I've been able to work with so many cool reptiles my bf won't let me keep in the house. The pet store isn't perfect but it's definitely a better alternative to PetSmart or other chains that just turn and burn their animals.

I'm kind of glad I followed my gut.
No need to get all passive aggressive. You said bark, now it's soil? We see people here all the time lining their cages with reptibark without any real substrate, so I figured I'd throw that in before you're on here screaming help my chameleon is dying. Would be curious to see your set up since you seem to know so much? Here's mine. Humidity and plants are perfectly fine without layers of bark in my cage, and I even have jeweled orchids in there :)
What carnivores plant is that. Looks like some time of pitcher plant. I always want to add one in my enclosure but didn’t know if it would work out. Sorry I don’t mean to hijacked this thread.
I can’t believe there is still a debate about screen vs glass/acrylic. Basically, as long as there is adequate ventilation (this can be acquired a couple ways), glass/acrylic will always provide a more stable environment. Of course if you live in an area that’s naturally humid and warm, the less expensive screen cages work great. But for those of us that are in dry, air conditioned homes, or frigid environments, the more expensive glass/acrylic choices are best. And please, never use an aquarium to house anything but fish. Oh, and yes, I would just add a bunch of organic soil to your bark and mix it up. I prefer glass/acrylic myself.
Awesome thanks. Yeah your setup is gorgeous. I found my bag of reptisoil in my closet and threw some more down over the bigger stringy coconut bark pieces. Thank you honestly.

Definitely not a debate! Just wanted to know your feelings on it.
Like I said I was defensive and I'm sorry but I kinda had my guard up because I was expecting another strongly worded DM lol


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