Got a new cage


New Member
Well my boyfriend and i spent the whole weekend building a 4ft cage for our male Jackson (Beast) because we were misinformed at the pet store about keeping a male and a female together. Beauty (our female) seems to be happier, he kind of picked on her a lot. We put a real plant in the cage its Schafflera or something like that, and hopefully he will be happy. I must say they are amazing animals but are not pets for everyone. I hope that others who are not willing to invest money and time into their pets think twice before getting a chameleon. Thankfully i am one of the people who is determined to make her pets happy.

I plan on breeding them when they get a bit older and i would love some advice. Thanks
Im sure your chams will LOVE the changes. Im glad to hear that you have the determination to provide proper care!!!

What part of MI are you from?
I got it from a pet store on 9mile close to van dyke. Greenwood pets and plants i think is the name.
Congrats on the new chams and cage!! Welcome to the forums!! And I am glad to hear that you are determined to make and keep your new family member's happy and healthy!
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