Got my new Panther Chameleon today (video)


New Member
I got him this morning I put him in the cage and he climbed right up the tree and under the light to get warm.

Here's a vid of him and the cage I built.

My friend was supposed to give me his old small screen cage that he has had for a while but he looked yesterday in his basement and couldn't find it so my panther is in this big cage right now.

Do you guys think this cage is ok for him? Hes really small about as long as my index finger. If its completely necceserry I can go to petco and get a small cage tomorrow but would rather not spend the $75 if he can live happily in this cage. The cage hes in right now is 2x2x4.


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Congrats on the new guy! Get some pics uploaded so we can get a better view. :D

As for the cage, I would put more low level foilage. Other than that, everything looks okay.
pics are up sorry for the quality I just realized there was a bunch of lint on my iphone camera
hey, welcome but i have some serious info for u

!!!!looks like you have a moneytree in the cage there, which are toxic for chams, and might have a serious affect on your chams life, look at the safe plant list for chameleons and find one that will work
also give him more foliage and branches to hide n and utilize his mits in different ways

hey, welcome but i have some serious info for u

!!!!looks like you have a moneytree in the cage there, which are toxic for chams, and might have a serious affect on your chams life, look at the safe plant list for chameleons and find one that will work
also give him more foliage and branches to hide n and utilize his mits in different ways


I didn't even notice. I don't even know what a moneytree looks like. :eek:
hey, welcome but i have some serious info for u

!!!!looks like you have a moneytree in the cage there, which are toxic for chams, and might have a serious affect on your chams life, look at the safe plant list for chameleons and find one that will work
also give him more foliage and branches to hide n and utilize his mits in different ways


I didn't even notice. I don't even know what a moneytree looks like. :eek:

its a schefflera tree, I'm in the process of getting more plants and sticks, but what do you guys think about the cage size?
its a schefflera tree, I'm in the process of getting more plants and sticks, but what do you guys think about the cage size?

It's not a shefellera, i have one.... IT IS A MONEY TREE, and you should find a replacement, trust me,

You can tell by the base of the tree spirals its stalks around eachother, whereas shefellera are straight up like a regular tree.

**You should find a replacement for the sake of your animal and put the moneytree somewhere else in your house, makes a good decoration.
F$#@k it mabye it is a shefelerra, damn trees look the same, i think the leaves in this one with their larger shape is shefelerra, i stand corrected, just tryna help
cage and tree

The cage is a bit large for a baby but if you can keep track and make sure he is eating and has the proper basking temps it should be fine. Also that does look like a schefflera. The do sell them with the braided or twisted bottoms. I just looked at one at the home depot but chose a standard one bc it was fuller.
It's not a shefellera, i have one.... IT IS A MONEY TREE, and you should find a replacement, trust me,

You can tell by the base of the tree spirals its stalks around eachother, whereas shefellera are straight up like a regular tree.

**You should find a replacement for the sake of your animal and put the moneytree somewhere else in your house, makes a good decoration.

F$#@k it mabye it is a shefelerra, damn trees look the same, i think the leaves in this one with their larger shape is shefelerra, i stand corrected, just tryna help
Ya its definitely a schefflera i got it from home depot and the tags said schefflera tree thanks for looking out though
The cage is a bit large for a baby but if you can keep track and make sure he is eating and has the proper basking temps it should be fine. Also that does look like a schefflera. The do sell them with the braided or twisted bottoms. I just looked at one at the home depot but chose a standard one bc it was fuller.

ok thanks for the tips im still debating on whether or not to buy a smaller cage because winters coming and my room gets pretty cold so I would guess it would be easier to heat a smaller one
Just tossing in my opinion. The tree is fine and not a money tree, I agree with that. I would turn the2x2x4 on the side and give your beauty a 2z2x2 for now. It seems a shame to waste money on a cage he will out grow soon. If you wrap the half of the cage he is not in it might help keep him warm, you could put a heat emitter in the unused side so the cham would be safe. Jmo
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