Got owned 'baby talkin'!!


Avid Member
So I like to leave my front door open on sunny days to let in more light.

Had my back to the door, talking to Peanut, my youngest panther:

" Hi peanuuuut, howz my pretty booooy, is ooo hungeeee, does ooo what
a yummy wormie, ooo does, well my doodness, is him a pretty boyyyyy, him is, yes him issssss!!??"

I hear someone clearing their throat, turn around to see one of my brother's redneck friends standing in the doorway, puzzled face;

"Hi Stan, can I borrow your broom?"

"Oh, err, sure, I was just about to feed my chameleons, err, no problem" :eek:

So, what's your funny 'got caught baby talkin' story? :D
Yeah, I have been learning Spanish so this happened at my house:

Me: ¿Quien es mi linda bebe lagarto muchacho? (Who is my little baby lizard boy?)

Husband: Don't know what bothers me more, the baby talk or the fact that you seem to think he's bilingual...
Yeah, I have been learning Spanish so this happened at my house:

Me: ¿Quien es mi linda bebe lagarto muchacho? (Who is my little baby lizard boy?)

Husband: Don't know what bothers me more, the baby talk or the fact that you seem to think he's bilingual...

Sorry laughed right out loud at this!
Always nice to see a middle aged male let out his inner middle school female. :eek: Never a good idea to take a couple of your wife's Premarin.
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Ha! there are studies that claim a man who is in touch with his feminin side has better sex..... only they give no details on WHO they are having it with :eek: :D
yeah, i have been learning spanish so this happened at my house:

Me: ¿quien es mi linda bebe lagarto muchacho? (who is my little baby lizard boy?)

husband: Don't know what bothers me more, the baby talk or the fact that you seem to think he's bilingual...

haha! I love it!
I have also been learning spanish, although I do not speak spanish to my boy. However, my babysitter likes to walk by and say "Ese muchacho está loco."
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