Graceful Chameleon not eating


New Member
A little over a month ago I got my graceful chameleon, Pascal, from a reptile show. They told me he is about a year old. He seemed to be very healthy and would eat about 5 crickets a day, give or take a few depending on if he was hungry or not.
Last week I noticed a massive change in Pascal's eating habits. He went from eating almost every cricket he saw to completely not caring for them the slightest bit. I would say that within the past week he has only eaten maybe two crickets.
He is still drinking and shows good color. He also moving his usual amount from the two branches under his lights.
I constantly try to show him crickets. (and wax worms which he recently started to eat) I also have a few in Pascal's cage for him if he decides to want them, so far he hasn't.

I am very concerned, How can I get him to eat? Or when should I be going to the vet?

Thank you!
If he's looking healthy and has good urates there may not be anything to get worried about. I know my female xanth will go on the occasional week long food strike, generally around when she's going to shed. If you're worried try out a couple different feeders, mine sometimes does this when I feed one in particular for a while and occasionally gets bored.
Maybe mix up the diet abit with locusts instead of crickets he may be bored of them or dipending on how many waxworms you fed theyre known to become adicted to them and want nothing else do you see him drink much?
Chameleons do go on hunger strikes somtimes, they can go ten days without food without many issues. Your best bet will be to change the feeders your offering, try diffrent species of roaches, locust, silkworms, butterworms etc stay away from the wax worms there not very healthy at all there basically like us eating chocolate
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