Grass Hopper season!


New Member
yes it is grass hopper season here where i live, grasshoppers are all over the place is it safe for chameleons to eat? (veiled cham. 6 month old)
yes it is grass hopper season here where i live, grasshoppers are all over the place is it safe for chameleons to eat? (veiled cham. 6 month old)

make sure you catch them in the area free of pesticides.
quarantine them for a week or more.
then, pluck the back legs be4 feeding.
I fed a juicy one to Arleen yesterday and she had no problem with it. I really don't think you need to go through the trouble of "plucking the back legs." She actually turned these beautiful shades of green and grey with black spots all over. I had never seen this beautiful display before. I think she was super excited about her new food!!
You can keep them in a bin like you would your crickets. Gutload load them for 2 weeks or so, this way it clears them of all the stuff they have eaten in the wild. Quarintine would be to keep them in a separate room than your cham and from other insects, so dont throw em in with ur other buggies.... :p
Hoppers are great and I would agree with dodolah. The back legs have some pretty gnarly "spikes" on them that may damage your chams mouth. Just better to be safe than sorry;) If you are keeping "quarantining" them for a while I would suggest a bin with good ventilation or even a screen cage to keep them in.
be cautious on grasshoppers, i recently learnedt here are several toxic types located here in arizona, as if pesticides was not bad enough, but now you deal with a possibility of them being toxic to your animals.
be cautious on grasshoppers, i recently learnedt here are several toxic types located here in arizona, as if pesticides was not bad enough, but now you deal with a possibility of them being toxic to your animals.

yes that could be bad:eek:
the grass hoppers i find here are on the dirt, not grass they are brown and jump high and then fly. it is hard to get them though...:/ they jump high and fast too! i have to get dirt and trhow it at them while flying so they can fall to the ground sounds mean but that is the only way to go! i fed it to my cham. and he seemed to loved it! did not turn any colours or anything but i can tell the grass hoper was gut loaded.. all of it's guts came out in one bite and they were orange. they got on my cham. face and he licked it off..! wow! i did not trim off the grass hoper's feet because i felt bad it was going to get eaten lol so i left them on and besides he did not have those thorny feet like bigger grasshopers have... this grass hopper was young i guess.
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