Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?


New Member
Well Kameal is my first female, I've had her a little over 4 months now and man she has gotten big. Over the last week or so she has been more colorful than she is or was. Definitely can see her black and teal stripes.

Shes such a looker right now, but idk if this means she is receptive or gravid

Here are some pics



thanks for replying, i guess its time to make a laying bin.

What size do you recommend to put into a 16x16x30 cage?

I've read that 8x12x12 is whats reccomended but that will take a big chunk of my cage space :/
When receptive you will notice those aqua blue spots all along her casque and back, like in her second pix. after mating, she will turn an awesome black with yellow and green spots (you will know for sure when she does this, as your jaw will hit the floor when you see her colors). Her cage size should already be at least 18x18x36". Preferably 18x18x48". Your laying bin must be 12" deep and opaque on all sides. do not interrupt her while laying and do not watch. set up a webcam if you must and watch later or in another room if you must. you can use the trash can method of laying if you cannot fit a bin in her cage. however, all female egg bearing chams should have access to a laying bin. they can be deceptive about having eggs sometimes.
I put a laying bin made of moist play sand and she doesn't seem the least bit interested
I put a laying bin made of moist play sand and she doesn't seem the least bit interested

same here :( the other day I thought she was going for the laying bin but she was just trying to escape from her viv :( :( and that's everything she seems interested in. what about yours, is she eating? does she seem restless?
same here :( the other day I thought she was going for the laying bin but she was just trying to escape from her viv :( :( and that's everything she seems interested in. what about yours, is she eating? does she seem restless?

shes eating and drinking just fine, but she is moving around her cage alot top to bottom vise versa
I notice my girl seems to be interested in the potted live plants, should i remove those? or remove the rocks atleast?
That is one of the most beautiful Veilds iv'e seen in a long time. Sorry I dont have any real input for ya but she is NICE.
shes eating and drinking just fine, but she is moving around her cage alot top to bottom vise versa

mine stopped eating a few days ago so I thought she was ready to lay but apparently she's not. she's constantly climbing the screen, it's like she just wants to be out of the viv and doesnt care about laying. i don't know if it's time to see a vet, i'm afraid she may become eggbound :(
mine stopped eating a few days ago so I thought she was ready to lay but apparently she's not. she's constantly climbing the screen, it's like she just wants to be out of the viv and doesnt care about laying. i don't know if it's time to see a vet, i'm afraid she may become eggbound :(

mine has started to show some interest in the laying bin so hopefully it goes well, caught her going in it as i was about to leave the house for work

if not imma get a big trashcan fill it with dirt and sand, place a plant in there and put her in there
still no luck

just changed the viv around and shes not very happy with it. Removed her umbrella plant and sacrificed one my smaller umbrella plants to put in her laying bin. Cleaned out the sand more. moved her pothos around. Gave her a nice misting and cup full of crickets.

I noticed shes rubbing her nose a little to get out and pretty restless

I've caught her digging before and shes been eating the sand been noticing alot of sand in her poop. or her poop being nothing but sand

Shes still eating just very little as for drinking im not sure but her urates aren't yellow

her sides were already covered to keep humidity and her front is now covered with a towel with the door closed


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I would have to agree most likely gravid. Can't tell for sure unless you put her in front of a male though
stilll no egg laying but she has some new colors, slightly orange/yellow stripes

her she is making a break for it
wow! very beautiful girl! love the light blue spots! mine is not showing signs of any need to lay, a part for being very round. I don't know what to do anymore! has your female stopped or decreased eating?
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