gravid jackson


New Member
i purchased a from what i m told gravid jackson about two months ago and just want to know what i should do to for her. do i need to put in some type of bin? im not familiar with jacksons and could use some pointers thanks
pics and help form please

like kinyonga says, now would be a good time to pay extra attention to supps and gutloading. depending on your existing regimen, it might also be a good time to offer a little extra plain calcium. please, we could be a lot more helpful with some pics and the help form. in the meantime, just for grins, heres a pic of jackson neonates crawling around in a 10 gal. jmo
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Good luck with all the babies :) There is a lot of useful information here, I'm sure you can find anything you need!
help questions

Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon - female Jackson unsure about her age and ive had her for about 2 months
• Handling – every few days at most for about 5 minutes
• Feeding – I feed her a varied diet of well gut loaded crickets, butter worms, horn worms ,and phoenix worms with vitamin dusting once a week
• Supplements – zoo med reptivite and calcium once a week
• Watering -sometimes I leave the dripper on if I wont be home for a while but usually mist heavily numerous times a day and yes I see her drinking
• Fecal Description – she has never been tested for paracites and all her poops look healthy

Cage Info:
• Cage Type – screen cage reptibreeze 30x 18
• Lighting – uvb 5.0 and 40 to 60 watt blue daylight bulb for heat
• Temperature – around 72 in the bottom corner and 85 under the heat lamp
• Humidity – between 50 to 80 percent I mist often and keep waterfalls and live plants in the cage
• Plants – dwarf umbrella plant
• Placement – the to of the cage is about 6 feet from the ground not a lot of walking past them but some
• Location – NY Long Island

Current Problem – just want to know how I can be ready and make it easier on her when she finally pops

first one is zoey resting she turns really nice yellows while she is napping the second is just my happy place


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• Supplements – zoo med reptivite and calcium once a week

• Fecal Description – she has never been tested for paracites and all her poops look healthy

• Lighting – uvb 5.0 and 40 to 60 watt blue daylight bulb for heat
• I mist often and keep waterfalls and live plants in the cage

Current Problem – just want to know how I can be ready and make it easier on her when she finally pops
first problem, reptivite once a week is too much preformed vitamin A. reptivite is a relatively high potency vitamin with preformed vitamin A. jacksons are fairly sensitive to over supplementation, and giving a higher potency multivite on a weekly basis is likely to lead to hypervitaminosis. generally speaking, a supplement like reptivite would only be given about once a month, in most chameleons, even less for xanths. if you must use reptivite then once every 6 weeks should be plenty for a xanth. but you still need to supply at least some vitamin d3 on a weekly(or even bi weekly) basis. personally i feel a safer, and better balanced choice, would be lower potency product like repashy icb, or super min, once a week , then any plain cal (or repashy supercal-low-d) 1-2 x week. for legal reasons, wc xanths are often advertized as cb, , so just because your supplier said cb, there is still a good chance that in reality is wc. most cham parasites cannot be seen by the naked eye, so even if your fecals look healthy. you should still have a fecal float done. in terms of general husbandry, waterfalls are considered not good. your cham would probably get a better uva benefit out of a wider spectrum uva like a regular incadescent house bulb. night heat is not needed or desired. if you expect she is close, you might want to put down terrycloth or paper towels to cushion neonate falls. now would be a good time to start culturing hydei ff, as they take about a month to get going, and you will need some available within the first 24hrs of neonates being born. pinheads and a curved tip dental syringe and bamboo skewers are also good items to have on hand. jmo
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ok ill cut back on the reptivite and just stick with the calcium with d3 as for the fruit flies im allready on top of that along with an enclosure for the neonates. why do you feel the waterfall is not good? i keep my cages very clean along with the waterfalls. So you feel that a regular lightbulb is better than the blue daylight bulb?
I use a phos.-free calcium at most feedings to make up for the poor ratio of calcium to phos. found in most feeder insects.

I only dust twice a month lightly with a phos.-free calcium/D3 powder. D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues.

I dust twice a month with a vitamin powder with a beta carotene source of vitamin A. Beta carotene (prOformed) vitamin A won't build up in the system like the prEformed vitamin A will. You can use one with a prEformed vitamin A every once in a while though.
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